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Volume Vii National Mock / Post Mock Examination Home Science P1 Question Paper

Volume Vii National Mock / Post Mock Examination Home Science P1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2010

1. How can you ensure that a sitting room is well ventillated? (3mrks)
2. What two precautionary measures should be taken when using paraffin as a fuel? (2mrks).
3. State two reasons for using white ceramic tiles in the kitchen? (2mrks).
4. State three qualities of good lighting. (3mrks).
5. State two advantages and two disadvantages of steaming as a method of cooking?
6. Care should be taken to ensure that left over foods remain fresh. How can this be done? (2mrks)
7. State two qualities of fruit for jam making? (2mrks).
8. Give thr ee reasons for coating food before deep frying? (3mrks).
9. State three ways of preparing clothes before washing? (3mrks)
10. Two methods which can be used to sterilize baby's feeding equipment? (1mrk)
11. What two was you use to disinfect kitchen clothes. (1mrk)
12. Give two ways of using a crossway strip in garment construction. (1mrk)

13. Give the following I-T -C - L - C ( International Textile Care Labeling Code). (11/2mrks).



(c) ? ?

14. Give the two reasons of airing clothes after ironing. (1mrk).
15. Two stitches that may be used to neaten an overlaid seam. (1mrk).
16. Two ways of finishing the neckline of a night dress. (1mrk).
17. Two qualities of a thimble. (1mrk).
18. What causes suffocation? (11/2mrks)
19. Two things to prevent in first treament of a cut. (1mrk).
20. Using the diagram below, name the most suitable seam for joining the pieces labeled A and B, the suitable side seam and the piece labeled A of a child's dress. (3mrks).

Seam joining Aand B ……………. Side seam …………

Piece labeled A………
21. What points should you look for when buying a zip? Give two. (2mrks)
22. Use the pattern piece below to answer the question that folow.

Pattern pieces. (11/2mrk)
A………. B ……….

Pattern symbol. (1 1/2mrk)
X ………. Y ……….

Z ……….

23. (a) After completing your cookery practical lesson you found that your white cotton apron has the following stains
(i) Grease (ii) Coffee
State clearly how the stain can be removed. (5mrks)
(b) What factors should be considered when choosing brooms and brushes? (6mrks)
(c) Explain the advantages and disavantages of dry cleaning. (4mrks).
(d) What factors should be considered when choosing floor covering? (5mrks)
24. French seam is commonly worked on children's clothes.
(a) i. What are the advantages of the seam? (2mrks)
ii. With aid of clear diagrams show the working of the seam. (6mrks)
(b) What are the advantages of combing wool with Nylon. (4mrks)
(c) Discuss points you would observe to ensure that your sewing machine gives you maximum service(4mks)
(d) Of what use is pattern drafting to tailor ? (4mks)
25. (a) Explain four rules to be observed when preparing left over foods. (4mks)
(b) Discuss the advantages of food preservation. (4mks)
(c) What points must be remembered when storing grains. (4mks)
(d) (i) Explain points to be considered when serving invalids. (4mks)
(ii) A sauce is served with lumps in it, what possible mistakes are likely to have been done?(4mks)

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