Ucu 105: Hiv &Amp; Aids And Stis Question Paper
Ucu 105: Hiv &Amp; Aids And Stis
Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Communication And Media Studies
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2008
Part A is COMPULSORY for all students. In Part B students must answer TWO out of the four questions.
(a) At present how many people are infected with HIV:
(i) In the world (½ mark)
(ii) In Sub-Saharan Africa (½ mark)
(iii)Western and Central Europe (½ mark)
(iv) In Kenya (½ mark)
(b) In Kenya:
(i) About what percent of young adults and youth are sexually active outside of marriage?
(½ mark)
(ii) About what percent of young adults and youth who regularly attend church are sexually active outside of marriage? (½ mark)
(c) Answer the following questions concerning UDHR.
(i) What does acronym UDHR stands for? (½ mark)
(ii) What body introduced UDHR? (½ mark)
(iii)What year did UDHR come into force? (½ mark)
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(d) What does the Presbyterian Church of East Africa HIV and AIDS Policy say about the nature of HIV and AIDS? (1½ mark)
(e) Circle the correct answer (such that choose A, B, C, D or E) based upon the following case study. (1 mark)
Recently it has been rumoured that in a certain primary school several students are infected with HIV. In response to this rumour, parents of some of the students have indicated that they will withdraw their children from the school unless the school administration removes the students who are infected with HIV from the school
A correct action of the school administration should include:
A. Arrange for education sessions for the parents with respect to HIV transmission
B. Verify if the rumour is even true
C. Cooperate with the parents (who wish to withdraw their children from the school) by arranging for the transfer of school records
D. Both A and C are correct
E. A, B and C are all correct
(f) With respect to the question and case study in question (e) what are the human rights issues involved? (1 mark)
(g) State the four body fluids that can transmit HIV (2 marks)
(h) What are CD4 cells? ARV drugs are started when the CD4 cell level of a person infected with HIV falls to what number per mm3? (1 mark)
(i) The non-medical term ‘health carrier’ refers to what? (1 mark)
(j) At a VCT centre, a man has tested negative for HIV. He gave a history of frequent casual sex without the protection of a condom. In fact, he stated to have had casual sex twice last week. The VCT counselor discussed the ABCs of prevention with him as well as advised that he return for testing again in three months. Explain why he needs to be re-tested in three months. (1 mark)
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(k) ARV drugs do not cure but can prolong life for many years. What are some of the problems associated with the usage of ARV drugs? (3 marks)
(l) What do women who have been raped need to do to lessen the chance of a HIV infection?
(1 mark)
(m) What are the common consequences of sexual abuse in children? (3 marks)
(n) Answer the following questions as True or False. (If True is correct, circle True. If False is correct, circle False) (2 marks)
(i) Masturbation is a sexual deviation. True or False
(ii) American Psychiatric Association does not consider homosexuality a disorder.
True or False
(o) Indicate the three most common causes of dysfunctional heterosexual sex in men.
(1½ mark)
(p) As presented in the course material on HIV and AIDS Home-Based Care, list the three components of Home-Based Care (1½ mark)
(q) As presented in the course material on HIV and AIDS Counseling, list 10 of the 14 qualities of a good counselor. (5 marks)
Part B - Answer TWO of the four following questions. Each question is worth 15 marks. Marks will be given for (a) correct presentation of factual material and (b) organization of material. Note that technical and medical terms must be spelled correctly.
1. (a) Discuss Genital Herpes Simplex. Include:
(i) causative organism
(ii) method of transmission
(iii) signs and symptoms
(iv) infection in the newborn
(v) treatment
(vi) prevention
(b) With respect to gonorrhea:
(i) What is the incubation period?
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(ii) What percent of males are symptomatic? What percent of females are symptomatic?
(iii) What is pelvic inflammatory disease?
(iv) What is ophthalmia neonatorum?
(v) What are one long term effect of gonorrhea in men and one long term effect in women?
2. Draw and label (a) the female genital/reproductive system (internal and external) and (b) the male genital/reproductive system. Neatness, proper proportions in the drawing and spelling are important.
3. (a) As described in the course material state the 10 questions that educators need to ask
themselves before teaching a particular group about HIV and AIDS
(b) With respect to teaching about HIV and AIDS what is ‘segmentation’? Compare
segmentation in the village setting verses the college setting.
(c) What is the purpose of the Fact Sheets Formula?
(d) When teaching about HIV and AIDS to a group how does the teacher handle complicated
or confusing questions?
(e) As according to the Fact Sheets Formula what type of statistics should be used in the
4. (a) What is latex? Why is latex used in male condoms?
(b) Discuss the steps in the proper use of the male condom. Also indicate any precautions in
the storage and usage of the male condom. (Your answer should be clear and well
5. (a) With respect to properly using the condom what are the two most important steps?
Explain why each of these two steps is important.
(b) What is the major problem with the female condom?
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