Ucu 100: Communication Skills Question Paper
Ucu 100: Communication Skills
Course:Bachelor Of Education In Early Childhood Education
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2010
Question 1a and 1b are compulsory (30 marks). Answer any other TWO questions.
Q.1 a) Reading Comprehension (15 marks)
Read the following passage and answer question (i) to (iv)
It is one of the tragedies of modern architecture that there has been a standardization of these vital territorial living units. One of the most important aspects of a home is that it should be similar to other homes only in a general way, and that in detail it should have many differences, making it a particular home. Unfortunately, it is cheaper to build a row of houses, or a block of flats, so that all the family living-units are identical, but the territorial urge rebels against this trend and house-owners struggle as best they can to make their mark on their mass-produced properties. They do this with garden-design, with front-door colours, with curtain patterns, with wallpaper and all the other decorative elements that together create a unique and different family environment. Only
when they have completed this nest-building do they feel truly “at home” and secure.
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When they venture forth as a family unit, they repeat the process in a minor way. On a day-trip to the seaside, they load the car with personal belongings and it becomes their temporary, portable territory. Arriving at the beach, they stake out a small territorial claim, marking it with rugs, towels, baskets and other belongings to which they can return from their seaboard wanderings. Even if they all leave it at once to bathe, it retains a characteristics territorial quality and other family groups arriving will recognize this by setting up their own “home” bases at a respectful distance. Only when the whole beach has filled up with these marked spaces will newcomers start to position themselves in such a way that the inter-base distance becomes reduced. Forced to pitch between several existing beach territories, they will feel a momentary sensation of intrusion, and the established “owners” will feel a similar sensation of invasion, even though they are not being directly inconvenienced.
The same territorial scene is being played out in parks and fields and on riverbanks, wherever family groups gather in their clustered units. But if rivalry for spaces creates mild feelings of hostility, it is true to say that without the territorial system of sharing and space-limited dominance, there would be chaotic disorder.
i) Why does the author refer to the units in paragraph one as a tragedy of
modern architecture? (3 marks)
ii) What reasons does the author give for standardization of homes?
(3 marks)
iii) Explain briefly how house-owners create homes out of identical units.
(3 marks)
iv) Apart from a home, what other example of a territory is given by the
author? (3 marks)
v) Differentiate clearly these two sensations : “intrusion” and “invasion”.
(3 marks)
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1. b) WRITING SKILLS (15 marks)
In not more than 500 words, discuss the problem of crowding in modern
Q.2 LIBRARY SKILLS (20 marks)
a) Imagine that the Macmillan Publishing Company in Kenya has just
released to the bookshops a textbook titled Education Today by Daniel
Sifuna. You are expected to use the book in your essay and add it your
bibliography. Using a referencing style of your choice, write Sifuna’s
book as an item in your bibliography. (5 marks)
b) Describe in detail what you understand by a library catalogue.
(15 marks)
Q.3 STUDY SKILLS (20 marks)
A student pursuing a degree through an open or distant learning progrmme has to become his or her own self-teacher, almost entirely responsible for his or her academic success. Discuss.
Q.4 WRITING SKILLS (20 marks)
Identify four features of academic writing and using clear examples, show how academic writing differs from any other type(s) of writing with which you are familiar.
a) Identify and describe five barriers of communication common in the
workplace. (10 marks)
b) Using clear and relevant examples illustrate the interrelationship that
exists among the various elements during the communication process.
(10 marks)
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