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Business Studies Form 3 Question Paper

Business Studies Form 3 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2008

Business Studies Form 3 CAT 2 Term 2

1. State FIVE problems of measuring national income using the output approach (5mks)

2. Identify FIVE factors that influence the level of national income in a country (5mks)

3. State the limitations of using national income statistics to compare standards of living in different countries (5mks)

4. List FIVE assumptions to the circular flow of income in a two sector economy (5mks)

5. State three types of injections into the circular flow of income (3mks)

6. Write the meaning of the following terms as used in national income (10mks)

i. Gross National Product

ii. Gross Domestic Product

iii. Net National Product

iv. Per Capita Income

v. Disposable income

7. State FIVE factors determining the fertility rate in a country (5mks)

8. Identify FIVE negative implications of a large population (5mks)

9. Give the meaning of the following types of unemployment. (10mks)

i. Seasonal

ii. Cyclical

iii. Structural

iv. Frictional

v. Disguised

10. State FIVE causes of unemployment in Kenya (5mks)

11. Identify FIVE measures the Government of Kenya can take to solve the problem of unemployment (5mks)

12. State FIVE characteristics of money (5mks)

13. Identify the three motives for holding money (3mks)

14. State FIVE advantages of barter trade (5mks)

15. State FIVE functions of money (5mks)

16. State FIVE consequences of a declining population (5mks)

17. State FIVE consequences of an ageing population (5mks)

18. State FIVE stages in the evolution of money (5mks)

19. State three factors that influence the transactionary demand for money (3mks)

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