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C.R.E Question Paper


Course:Primary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2012

1.How did God shows the supremacy and uniquiness of a man among all creatures?
A.He was entrusted with the care of God's creation
B.He was first to be created
C.By chasing him out of the Garden of Eden
D.He had freedom to eat any of the creatures
2.The word woman means
C.One who can give birth
D.Taken out of man
3.God changed the Name of Abram to Abraham mainly because he wanted to
A.make him a father of nations
B.give him a new land
C.make him rich
D.give him protection
4.Joseph the son of Jacob was sold by his brothers because they
A.hoped to become rich
B.were jealous
C.needed food
D.wanted to visit Egypt
5.which is the third commandment
A.Respect your father and mother
B.Do not commit murder
C.Do not commit adultery
D.Do not use Gods name in vain
6.King Ahab and Jezebel in the book of kings broke Gods commandment by
A.engaging actives
B.worshipping god called ''Baal"
C.killing the first borns of the Hebrews a luxurious life
7.David in the bible used his leisure time for his personal growth by becoming a
A.wise ruler
B.rival of King Soul
C.mucisian and harpist
D.tough leader
8.According to prophet Jeremiah,the New covenant would be be different from the Old one because the law would be
A.sealed by an animal blood
B.written in the hearts of people
C.written on stone tablets
D.only for christians
9.which prophet prophesied about the coming of Messiah
B.John the baptist
10.Wich one of the following item was not a gift presented to baby Jesus by the wise men?
11.Wich one of the following book of the New Testament in the Holy bible is prophetic
12.One of the following miracles was perfomed by prophet Elisha and Jesus sight to the blind
B.healing the deaf
C.healing to lepers
D.casting out demons
13.From the incidence when Jesus washed his disciples feet,christians learn that they should
14.Which beatitude shows that christianr will see God
A.if they work for peace
B.if they are pure in heart
C.they are humble
D.if they are merciful
15.Which one of the following is not a good reason to fast in christian reregion
A.areligious value
B.a sighn of hunger country wide defeat the devil remember those who do not have food
16.After Jesus resurrected,he appeared to two of his disciples on his way to
77. The man who used to persecute and murder christians but was later converted by Jesus was
18.Which of the following activities by the early church best shows how their members lived in unity
A.singing praises
B.baptising one another
C.reciting verses
D.sharing food
19.we celebrate Easter in honour of
A.the christian holiday
B.the resurrection of Jesus
C.Jesus the son of God
D.the death of Jesus
20.who among the following disciples was reffered by Jesus as the "ROCK"
A Judas
21.In African Communities,children were taught good behaviour mainly by
22In African societies,people prayed facing the sun because the sun
A controls human life
B is God
C represent God
D is ancestor
23 All the following are some of the practical ways which demonstrate love for others EXCEPT
A being sympathetic
B being kind to others
C.being helpful to those who need our help
D being helpful to our friends only
24 We should use our God given abilities for the following
A.our own good and that of our friends only
B our own good and the others
C good of our family members only
D good of our enemies only
25 The following are facts about the christian activities during leisure except
A growth spiritually
B learn new techniques
C improve new communities
D backbite others
26 Mary saw Sarah wearing a new pair of shoes which she wished was hers.Which one of the following commantments did she break
A you shall not steal
B you shall not commit murder
C you shall not covet
D you shall not accuse anyone falsely
27 A mad man raped raped a woman in the market while people watches others turn aside.Who was to blame
A.the woman
B.the mad woman
C.the police
D the observers
28 Where had Jesus promised to meet his disciples after ressurection?in
A Galilee
B Bethany
C Jerusalem
D Capernaum
29 Three of the following went with Jesus to pray at the place called Gethsemane except
A Simon Peter
B james
C Andrew
D John
30 The first person to translate the part of the New Testament into Kiswahili was
A David Livingstone
B John Krapt
C William Mackinon
D Morton Stanley

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