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Mock Question Paper


Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2008

You are the games captain in your school which is hosting eight teams for a two day football tournament in the month of August this year.
Prepare you diary for two days before the tournament and two days during the tournament. (20Marks)

Q2. Fill each blank space in the following passage with the most appropriate word.

Eat healthy to care for you kidney7s. The kidney (i)__________________________ one of the most vital organs of our bodies that (2) ___________________ impaired can affect a person’s quality of life (3)__________________________ when no treatment or nutrition intervention is fought.
The (4)____________________ is involved in many functions which include removal of (5)________________________ waste products from the blood and (6)_____________
The amount of fluid in the body. Human beings have two kidneys but can survive with (7)______________________ kidneys as many kidney conditions are caused by our unhealthy (10)________________________ or eating habits.

My Bull is white like the silver fish in the river
White like the shimmering crane bird on the river band
White like fresh milk.
His roar is like thunder to the Turkish Cannon
On the steep shore.
My bull is dark like the rain cloud in the storm.
He is like summer and winter.
Half of him is dark like the storm cloud,
Half of him is light like sunshine.
His back shines like the morning star.
His brow is red like the beak of the hornbill.
His forehead is like a flag, calling the people from a distance.
He resembles the rainbow.

(Source:{Ulli Brlier, Africa poetry, Cambridge
University press, 1966,p59).
(i) How does the singer achieve the rhythm in the song above? (2Marks)
(ii) If you are to do alive performance of this song how would you make it more interesting to the audience? (4Marks)
(iii) How would you say that the last line of the song? (2Marks)

(b) Underline the silent letter in each of the following words (5Marks)
(i) Rendezvous
(ii) Eulogy
(iii) Tourism
(iv) Phlegm
(v) Condemn
(c ) What different meaning would come out by stressing the following words in the sentence below. (4Marks)
Ben bought me a mango
(i) a mango:________________________________________________
(ii) me:_____________________________________________________
(iii) bought: __________________________________________________
(iv) Ben: ____________________________________________________
(d)Your school is participating in a debate and the motion is:” Parents should let children decide their won destiny,” How would you ensure that your argument are convincing? (3Marks)
(e)Imagine that you are listening to a telephone conversation between a receptionist and a lady whose child is very ill and she is seeking her physician’s help. Unfortunately Dr.Kemboi is not in, but the receptionist is one the line. In the blank spaces, fill in what you think the receptionist should have said to the lady. (10Marks)
Receptionist:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (2Marks)
Mr..Limo When will he be back?
Mrs. Limo:I see, Could you ask him to come and see my daughter? She’s very ill.
She is running a fever. I can’t bring her to the clinic because my car is at the Garage.
Mrs.Limo: I live in Zuri Zuri estate. House number 021. My Mobile number is 0755122331
in case Dr. Kemboi wants to phone me.
Receptionist: _______________________________________________________
(2Marks) Good bye

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