Bhu1101:Introduction To Critical Thinking And Logic Question Paper
Bhu1101:Introduction To Critical Thinking And Logic
Course:Bachelor Of Education | Bachelor Of Education (Arts)
Institution: Mount Kenya University question papers
Exam Year:2018
1.a)State the three questions raised in Aristotelian logic (6marks)
b)Differentiate between;
Formal and informal logic (3marks)
Premise and evidence (3marks)
c)Justify the need to standardize an argument when evaluating logic (6marks)
d)Mention the phases of a creative thinking process (6marks)
e)Outline the elements that manifest logic in scientific method of theory (6marks)
2.a)Giving examples,describe the scales of measurement relevant to critical thinking and logic (12marks)
b)Outline the characteristics unique to a critical thinker (8marks)
3.a)Logic is a branch of philosophy.Describe logic as one of the branches (12marks)
b)Discuss the various critical thinking habits and skills as proposed by Schaeffer and Ruben Field (8marks)
4.a)Outline the fallacies that may be classified as errors of attack and weak references (8marks)
b)What are the primary purposes of using scales of measurements in logic and critical thinking? (6marks)
c)Highlight the factors that affect the inductive probability of an argument (6marks)
5.a)Describe the importance of classification in logic (8marks)
b)The following statement was presented in a critical thinking class;
"Because animals are conscious capable of experiencing pain and pleasure they are like people in significant respect. Since they are also intelligent,often far more intelligent than new born babies,it follows that they deserve kind treatment from human beings and that it is wrong to treat them with cruelty".
State the standard form and exhaustively identify the premises and conclusion in the argument above.(12marks)
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