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Cop 102: Computer Architecture Question Paper

Cop 102: Computer Architecture 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: The Presbyterian University Of East Africa question papers

Exam Year:2017

a) Read the instructions on ANSWER BOOKLET carefully:
b) Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions
c) Time allowed is TWO hours

a) Define the following terms as used in computer architecture (8 marks)
i. Cache
ii. Assembly language
iii. Memory hierarchy
iv. Addressing mode

b) Using a well labelled diagram, briefly describe the Von Neumann Architecture (6 marks)
c) Compare and contrast computer architecture and computer organization. (6 marks)
d) Explain the structure of a machine language instruction (5 marks)
e) How does the control unit execute instructions? (5 marks)
a) What are the main characteristics of RISC Processors? (4 marks)
b) Describe the meaning of the following lines of code: (5 marks)
load R1, MEM(y);
load R2, MEM(z);
add R1, R2;
store R1, MEM(x);
c) State and explain the limitations of the I/O subsystem (6 marks)

a) What is CISC? Name two CISC processors. (4 marks)
b) Discuss the five levels of the memory Hierarchy (5 marks)
c) Briefly explain the instruction types found in the instruction set. (6 marks)

a) State and explain any 5 addressing modes. (5 marks)
b) Before we can execute a program, we must convert the assembly to machine code. The assembler does this translation. Describe the process of translation. (7 marks)
c) List the functions of the Arithmetic and Logic Unit. (3 marks

a) Define the following terms (5 marks)
i. Low Order byte
ii. Byte Addressable memory
b) Briefly describe the memory subsystem (6 marks)
c) What is an instruction set? Explain using examples. (4 marks)

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