Mgt 400: Research Methodology Question Paper
Mgt 400: Research Methodology
Course: Bachelor Of Business Administration
Institution: The Presbyterian University Of East Africa question papers
Exam Year:2017
a) Read the instructions on ANSWER BOOKLET carefully:
b) Answer Question ONE and any other TWO Questions
c) Time allowed is TWO hours
a) Explain the following research terminologies and explain their usefulness: (8 marks)
i. Variable
ii. Hypothesis
iii. Theory
iv. Sample
b) Write short notes on the following:
i. The concept ‘research’ (4 marks)
ii. Hypothesis (2 marks)
iii. Contributions of research to the body of knowledge. (6 Marks)
c) Discuss the various methods of data collection, giving the justification for using any of the methods. (6 Marks)
d) You have been awarded research funds to conduct a research on the courses of poverty in Kenya, explain any four qualities that will make a good research. (4marks)
a) Explain the types of questions in questionnaires (5 marks)
b) What is a hypothesis? Give FIVE characteristics of a good hypothesis (5 marks)
c) What is the advantage of qualitative methods for exploratory research? (2 marks)
d) As a research consultant, list any THREE potential problems you may face during research design. (3 marks)
a) Discuss the content of Research Design. (5 marks)
b) There comes a time when one should stop their review for literature. At what point does one know they have to quit? (2 marks)
c) Describe a research question or area of interest to you, and why you think it is not only of interest but significance. Using your understanding of research methodology, describe two ways of pursing the question that are as divergent on as many dimensions as you can imagine. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. How strong a link or fit is there between a research question and a method? (8 marks)
a) Discuss the procedure for reviewing literature. (5 marks)
b) You have been employed to carry out a research on climate change in Africa, explain any four problems that you are likely to encounter as a researcher. (4 marks)
c) As a manager at KenGen, explain the possible motives for doing research in that organization. (6 marks)
a) Discuss the content of a good problem statement. (4 marks)
b) Compare and contrast the objectives, strengths and weaknesses of qualitative/ observational methods (e.g., ethnography) versus quantitative methods (e.g., survey) in conducting empirical research on macro organizational issues. Describe situations where one method or the other may be most appropriate. (7 marks)
c) As a researcher at KEMRI explain any four objectives of doing research.(4 marks)
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