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Cop 214: Information Systems Audit & Frameworks Question Paper

Cop 214: Information Systems Audit & Frameworks 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science

Institution: The Presbyterian University Of East Africa question papers

Exam Year:2017

a) Read the instructions on ANSWER BOOKLET carefully:
b) Answer Question ONE from SECTION A and any other TWO Questions from SECTION B
c) Time allowed is TWO hours
Question 1
a) Define the following terminologies. (4 marks)
i Computer security.
ii Vulnerability.
iii Backdoors
iv Eavesdropping
b) What is an attack? Briefly explain the two types of attacks stating examples. (6 marks)
c) State three ways on how you can secure your computer from crime. (2 marks)
d) State any five characteristics that identify a good cipher. (5 marks)
e) Differentiate between Denial of service attack and Direct-access attack (4marks)
f) What do we mean by the term computer crime (1mark)
g) Define the term ‘firewall’ (2 marks)
h) What makes a good ‘cipher’? State and explain any THREE characteristics of a good cipher. (6 marks)



a) What is the difference between eavesdropping and wiretapping (4 marks)
b) There are many good reasons to perform a risk analysis in preparation for creating a security plan. Briefly explain any six reasons for this. (6 marks)
c) State and explain the two types of attacks. (5 marks)

a) Briefly describe any four cyber-crime prevention tips. (8 marks)
b) Explain any Five principles of security. (5 marks)
c) Highlight the strategies for dealing with risk. (2marks)

a) Using examples briefly explain the two types of Substitution Cipher (7 marks)
b) Firewalls have a wide range of capabilities. State and explain any THREE types of firewalls (6 marks)
c) List two issues addressed by security plan (2marks)
a) What do we mean by a ‘honey pot’? What is the significance of a honey pot in information security? (4 marks)
b) List down any ten threats to emails (5 marks)
c) State and explain THREE basic steps of risk analysis (6marks)

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