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Mgt 200: Organizational Theory Question Paper

Mgt 200: Organizational Theory 

Course:Bachelor Of Business Administration

Institution: The Presbyterian University Of East Africa question papers

Exam Year:2017

a) What do you understand by the term organizational theory (2mks)
b) Identify five characteristics of organizations (5mks)
c) Why are organizations referred as complex? (3mks)
d) Why do informal organizations arise? (5mks)
e) Distinguish between a formal and an informal organization (4mks)
f) Write short notes on the following contemporary theories;
i) Contingency theory (2mks)
ii) Systems theory (2mks)
iii) Theory Z (2mks)
a) Describe the evolution of organizational theory (10mks)
b) Identify five benefits of the informal organization within a formal organization (5mks)
a) Discuss four limitations of scientific management in organizational theory (10mks)
b) Describe the concept of bureaucracy by Max Webber (5mks)

a) Discuss five principles of management according to Henry Fayol (10mks)
b) Explain how an organization is a social entity (5mks)
a) Explain five roles of leadership in organizational management (10mks)
b) Describe three principles of managing informal organizations (5mks)

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