Business Law Question Paper

Business Law 

Course: Bachelor Of Business Administration

Institution: The Presbyterian University Of East Africa question papers

Exam Year:2017

a) Identify three sources of law in sales of goods (6mks)
b) Distinguish between sales of goods from bailment (4mks)
c) When does property in goods pass from the seller to the buyer? (3mks)
d) Describe the various forms taken by delivery of goods (5mks)
e) Highlight three characteristics of agency (3mks)
f) Identify three types of Authority in sales of goods (3mks)
g) Explain the liability of the principal in sales of goods (4mks)
h) Distinguish between a special agent and a general agent. (2marks)

a) Discuss five duties of a seller in the sale of goods (10mks)
b) Identify five circumstances through which the buyer may reject the goods and repudiate the contract (5mks)

a) Explain five remedies against the buyer that are enforceable by court action (10mks)
b) Outline five duties of an agent to his principal (5mks)


a) The Sale of Goods Act implies both conditions and warranties in contracts of Sale of goods unless a different intention appears; explain (10mks)
b) In relation to the law of agency, outline the following;
i. Meaning of an undisclosed principal. (3 marks)
ii. Liability of an undisclosed principal. (2 marks)

a) Describe five ways through which an agency relationship may come into existence (10mks)
b) Explain the circumstances under which an agent may be held personally liable for contracts made on behalf of his principal. (5 marks)

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