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Law 1- Mock Question Paper

Law 1- Mock 

Course:Cpa Part I

Institution: Strathmore Business School question papers

Exam Year:2007


Write explanatory notes on:
a) Option (d) Public Bill
b) Government Bill (e) Private Bill
c) Private members bill

“The office of the chief justice is a critical office in the judiciary of a country” Discuss

.(a) With the aid of decided cases explain the salient rules of consideration
(b) Distinguish between bilateral and unilateral discharge of contract.

(a) Discuss the doctrine of separation of powers highlighting its importance.
(b) Outline the various ways in which the independence of the judiciary may be achieved and maintained in a country.
(c) What is the significance of rule of law in a country?

(a) “For an agreement to be legally binding offer and acceptance must be
communicated”. State and briefly explain the exceptions to this rule.
(b) Explain whether there is a binding agreement in each of the cases below.
(i) Dick posted a letter offering to sell goods to Harman on certain terms. Upon
receipt of the letter, Harman posted a letter accepting the offer. However, the letter never reached Dick.
(ii) Tom wrote to Jerry offering to sell his car to him at 500,000. Jerry accepted Tom’s offer subject to the price being reduced to Sh. 450,000. It has become apparent that Tom is not willing to sell the car for Sh. 450,000.

Jerry now writes to Tom agreeing to buy the car for Kshs. 500,000.

(a) How may a will be revoked.
(b) Mpenda Raha traveled to London to watch the Golden Jubilee celebration of the Queen’s ascension to the throne. Mpenda Raha hired a room in a hotel from where he would have an advantage view of the Queen’s procession. On the appointed day, Mpenda Raha could not view the procession due to crowds which obstructed his view of the Queen’s procession. Mpenda Rah is seeking for refund of his money which he had paid to the hotel. Citing relevant legal principles, explain whether Mpenda Raha will be successful in getting a refund of the money paid to the hotel.

(a) Distinguish between a cheque and a bill of exchange.
(b) Examine the salient obligations of the banker and customer in a banker and customer relationship.

(a) Distinguish between testate and intestate succession.
(b) State the main provisions that govern intestate succession under the Law of Succession Act, cap 160.

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