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Law 1- Mock Question Paper

Law 1- Mock 

Course:Cpa Part I

Institution: Strathmore Business School question papers

Exam Year:2008

(a) How is the supremacy of the constitution as a source of law manifested?

(b) What were the weaknesses of the common law?

Write explanatory notes on
(a) duties or obligations of an advocate

(b) law society of Kenya

(a) Discuss the rules that affect the effectiveness of exemption clauses.

(b) K. Kemei want to buy a new car for G. N Motors Ltd. He selected a new and nice looking car and was informed by G. N. Motors Ltd that the car was new and free from any defects K. Kemei signed a sale agreement with the motor company which partly read “… condition or warranty that the vehicle is road worthy or as to its age or fitness for any purpose is given or implied by the seller. Goods once sold cannot be returne.”

When the car was delivered to K. Kemei after paying for it, he discovered to his surprise that it was a second hand car of the same make as the car he had selected but with several major mechanical defects.

G. N Motors Ltd. insists that he sale was validly concluded and that they cannot be liable to K. Kemei under any circumstances. Advise Kemei.

(a) What is meant by the phrase “fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual.”

(b) Outline three rights and three freedoms of the individual guaranteed by the constitution of your country.

(a) Explain the principle of vicarious liability.

(b) Examine the extent to which an employer is liable for the torts committed by an independent contractor.

(c) Atieno and Nafula are neighbours in Kijiji Bandi village. Last year, Atieno quarreled with Natula’s employee, Nafula’s employee collected stinking rubbish from a compost heap in Nafula’s compound and threw it into Atieno’s compound. Atieno is aggrieved by this action and seeks your legal advice. Advice as to her legal rights and course of action to take.

“Payment of a lesser sum of the day is satisfaction of a large sum is not sufficient consideration for the creditor’s promise to accept such payment in full settlement of the debt.” Discuss.

(a) List and explain the general duties of a bailee and the bailor in a contract of bailment.

(b) What is a lien? Explain the various types of lien.

(a) Identify and explain the various types of corporations.

(b) Discuss the consequences of incorporation.

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