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District Mock Examination Paper 101/1 Question Paper

District Mock Examination Paper 101/1 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2006

(Functional Skills)
Paper 1
JULY/AUG. 2006
A carjacking incident has just taken place along the road leading to your school compound. The driver has subsequently been abducted and driven off in the stolen car, and you witnessed the encounter.

Write a dialogue that takes place between you and the newspaper reporter as you recount to him what transpired before and after the ordeal

Fill each of the blank spaces in the passage below with appropriate words. Use only ONE word in each space.

I used to go into the countryside to sketch animals and plants, carrying my drawing materials in a bag. One day I was walking across a field, looking (i) ____________________ rabbits to draw. Lost (ii) ______________________ thought, I (iii) ______________________ not noticed a bull running towards me. About one hundred metres (iv) _____________________ was a tree under (v)______________________. I intended to sit and draw. Suddenly, I (6) __________________ a noise behind me. I turned and saw the bull. I knew that a bull can run (vii) __________________ faster (viii) ______________________ a man, but also knew that a bull cannot see movement. I (x) ____________________ not panic but ran towards the tree, keeping the (xi) __________________, myself and the bull in a straight line. To distract the bull, I then threw my bag to the right, so it was out of the line of the tree. The bull saw (xii) _______________________ sudden movement and headed towards the bag. I (xiii) ____________________________ the tree and climbed up it. From (xiv) ___________________ I watched the bull attacking my bag with its horns and feet. It continued to (xv) ___________________ this for fifteen minutes and I was very (xvi) ____________________ to be up the tree. (xvii) ___________________, the bull was satisfied and moved off. I waited until it was a very long way (xviii) ________________________ and then got down from the tree and picked up my bag. I left the field as fast as I (xix) _____________________ and then looked inside my bag. Everything in it was (xx) _____________________ ruined

(a) (i) Imagine you have been invited to speak about the role of the youth in community leadership at the annual get-together party of your youth group.

What would you do to ensure that your speech is successful? List at least FIVE non verbal cues that you would use. 5mks*BND*
b) Fill the blank spaces with a word that rhymes with the underlined word to complete the
sections of the poem. 5mks*BND*
A wretched man walked up and (i) _______________________
To buy his dinner in town.

At last he found a wretched (ii) __________________________
And entered with modest grace

Took off his coat, took off his hat,
And wiped his feet upon the (iii) _________________________

Took out his purse to count his pence
And found he had but two half-cents

The wretched man, all at (iv) ______________________
Said: A little bread, sir, if you please.

The wretched man, he felt so (v) ____________________
He quickly left the dining hall.
c) Identify the letters representing the sounds that are silent in the following English words
(i) Comb
(ii) Often
(iii) Would
(iv) Yatch
(v) Buffet
d) Read the sentence below.

My sister went to the market yesterday.
What difference would there be in meaning if the sentence stress fell on each of the following words.

(i) My
(ii) Sister
(iii) Market
(iv) Went
(v) Yesterday
e) Imagine you attended the PROVINCIAL EDUCATION DAY held recently in Kisumu - in which several stakeholders in the education sector delivered key-note speeches. What did you do to ensure that you benefited most from the speeches you listened to? 5mks*BND*
f) Read the following Acoli Song and then answer the questions that follow.

If death were not there
Where would the inheritor get things?
The cattle have been left for the inheritor;
Ee how would the inheritor get things?
The iron-roofed house has been left for the inheritor,
Ee, if death were not there,
How would the inheritor get rich?
The bicycle has been left for the inheritor;
The inheritor is most lucky;
Ee, brother, tell me
If death were not there,
Ugly one, whose daughter would have married you?
A wife has been left for the inheritor;
Ee, inheritor, how would you have lived?
The house has been left for the inheritor
If death were not there,
How would the inheritor get things?
(i) In a live presentation of the above song which words would be stressed in the first two lines, and why? 3mks*BND*
(ii) Briefly explain two things you would do to enliven the performance of the above song if you were asked to present it to your class.

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