Dcm 1 Business Management  Question Paper

Dcm 1 Business Management  

Course:Management Information Systems

Institution: Kenya Institute Of Management question papers

Exam Year:2018


1. a)Define economics.
b)Explain any four advantages of division of labour
c)Asses the main problems faced by economist
d)Distinguish between gross domestic product and ndt domestic product

2. a)Using ordinalist approach and with help of a diagram explain the concept of consumer equillibrium. (12 mks)
b)Explain the factors that determine investment in your country

3. a)Discuss the four factors of production and state their rewards.
b)Explain the importance of national income statistics.

4. a)Discuss the methods used in measuring nationsl income
b)Explain the motives of demand for money according to Keynes.

5. a)Differentiate between employment and unemployment.
b)Discuss the causes of unemployment in your country.
c)Suggest measures to alleviate unemployment in your country.

6. a)With an illustrustration explain the theory of comparative advantage as used in economics.
b)Discuss the disadvantages of free trade.

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