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End Of Stage Examination Business Administration Diploma 2 Theory And Practice Management Question Paper

End Of Stage Examination Business Administration Diploma 2 Theory And Practice Management 

Course:Diploma In Business Administration

Institution: Machakos University question papers

Exam Year:2011

Instructions: Answer any five questions

1.(a) Mazeto company intends to apply the principles of scientific management in the organization. Outline the limitations the company is likely to encounter in implementing these principles.(10 Marks)
(b)Explain five contributions by Henry Gantt to the theory of management.(10 Marks)

2.(a)Explain the limitations of a bureaucratic organization in attainment of enterprise objectives.(10 Marks)
(b) Outline the contributions of the human relations approach to management. (10 Marks)

3.(a) Highlight the benefits that an organization accrues from being socially responsible.(10 Marks)
(b)Describe the characteristics that organizational objectives should possess in order to effectively guide the operations of the organization.(10 Marks)

4.(a) Some of the principles advocated by Henry Fayol address the problems of administration in an organization. Explain five ways in which some of Fayol's principles have contributed to solving problems of administration in organizations.(10 Marks)
(b)You have been appointed as a first line manager in Nandos Limited. Describe the duties that you would be expected to perform.(10 Marks)

5.(a)Explain five reasons why an organization may fail in implementation of its plans.(10 Marks)
(b)Outline the steps that a manager follow in making decisions in an organization.(10 Marks)

6.(a) Give five reasons why some managers involve themselves in unethical behavior.(10 Marks)
(b) Explain the benefits that may accrue to an organization that adopts MBO strategy.(10 Marks)

7.(a)Highlight five contributions of Fredrick Taylor to Management.(10 Marks)
(b)Describe the procedure that management should adopt when formulating a strategic plan.(10 Marks)

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