Bcb 305:Entrepreneurship Question Paper

Bcb 305:Entrepreneurship 


Institution: Kaimosi Friends University College question papers

Exam Year:2018

1) Discuss the theories that explain the origin of entrepreneurship. 30 mks

2)a)Explain 5 sources of business ideas. 10 mks

b. Highlight the contents of a partnership deed. 10 mks

3)Discuss the various forms of business ownership. 20 mks

4)a) Explain the various types of partners. 10 mks

b. Examine the advantages of establishment a limited company. 10 mks

5)a. Name the stages of entrepreneurship according to Rowstow(1960). 5mks

b. Highlight the characteristics of small scale micro enterprises. 5 mks

c. Account for the failure of small scale micro enterprises in Kenya. 10 mks

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