Geo 318:Quantitative Methods In Geography Question Paper

Geo 318:Quantitative Methods In Geography 

Course:Quantitative Methods In Geography

Institution: Kaimosi Friends University College question papers

Exam Year:2017

1)a)Define the term quantitative methods. 2 mks

b. Explain the four characteristics of data. 8 mks

c. Examine the basic geographical data types. 20 mks

2)Describe the steps involved in geographical research. 20 mks

3)a)State and explain the measurement scales in geography. 12 mks

b. Explain the uses of quantitative data techniques. 8 mks

4)a)Define the term sampling. 2 mks

b)Critically examine the various types of sampling. 18 mks

5). a). Explain the Central limit theory. 5 mks

b)Distinguish between combination and permutations. 10 mks

c. Highlight any five types of distributions in quantitative methods. 5

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