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Form 1 Agriculture Question Paper

Form 1 Agriculture 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2006

Form 1 Agriculture.

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1. List down the major branches of Agriculture (5mks)

2 (a) Differentiate between annual and perennial crops (2mks)

(b) Give two examples of

i. Annual crops (2mks)

ii. Perennial crops

3 (a) List the three main types of animal feed (3mks)

b. Give the name of pasture that is dried for future use (1mk)

4. Name the three methods of grazing practised in Kenya (3mks)

5. Explain the following terms (6mks)

i. Floriculture

ii. Olericulture

iii. Pomology

6. What is:

i. Agricultural economics (2mks)

ii. Agriculture engineering (2mks)

7 (a) Name four examples of commercial feeds (4mks)

b. To make animals resistant to diseases we must give feeds containing ______(1mks)

c. Name two constituents of a balanced diet that are important for bone formation (2mks)

8. Give the two farming systems practiced in our country (2mks)

9. Differentiate between large scale farming and plantation farming (4mks)

10. Give four conditions that are necessary for shifting cultivation (4mks)

11. Explain the function of the following biotic factors influencing agriculture.

i. Decomposers (3mks)

ii. Pollinators (4mks)

11. What are the general effects of pests on crops (4mks)

b. State four ways of controlling these pests (4mks)

12. Name two aspects of rainfall that affect agricultural production (2mks)


In question 13 and 14 you are required to make brief notes on the questions. In question 15, state the factors.

13. Describe the following

i. Mixed farming (3mks)

ii. Nomadic pastoralism (5mks)

iii. Organic farming (5mks)

iv. Agroforestry (5mks)

14. List and explain types of livestock farming (5mks)

15. Outline the human factors that affect agriculture (7mks)

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