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Assessment Test In Medical M,Icrobiology Question Paper

Assessment Test In Medical M,Icrobiology 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2006


15/2/2006 9.00-10.30 am

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1. Mention Koch's Postulates and indicate one example of an organism or disease which serves as an exception to each of the postulates.

2. Outline the differences between Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes.

3. Briefly describe the bacterial gowth phases and the metabolic activities associated with each phase.

4. Briefly discuss the following in relation to Streptococcus Pyogenes
a} Exotoxin production
b} M-protein

5. Write short essays on 1-morphology 2-cultural characteristics 3-identification tests of the following organisms
a}Staphylococcus aureus
b}Streptococcus pneumoniae
c}Neisseria gonorrheae

6. Write a short essay on the significance of bacterial normal flora.

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