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312/1 Geography Question Paper

312/1 Geography 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011



Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


This paper consists of two Sections A and B.
Answer ALL the questions in Section A. In Section B answer question 6 and any other
two questions in this section.
All answers must be written in the Answer Booklet provided.

Geography Paper 1 Turnover


Answer all the questions in this section:

1. The diagram below shows the structure of the earth.

(a) Name the parts marked P, Q and R. (3mks)

(b) Name the main rock minerals making up the core. (2mks)

2. (a) Apart from braided river, give two other features resulting from river deposition. (2mks)

(b) State three factors that favour the formation of river braids. (3mks)

3. (a) Define endogenic processes. (2mks)

(b) State three effects of horizontal earth movements. (3mks)

4. (a) Differentiate between weathering and mass wasting. (2mks)

(b) Describe how weathering occurs by exfoliation process. (3mks)

5. (a) List two types of moraine. (2mks)

(b) Describe the formation of an arete. (3mks)


Answer question 6 and any other TWO questions from this section:

6. Study the map of Homa Bay (1:50,000) sheet 129/2 provided and answer the following

(a) (i) Calculate the area of Olambwe Valley National Reserve enclosed by the
National Reserve boundary. (Give your answer in square kilometers). (2mks)

(ii) Name two man made features found on grid square 4743. (2mks)

(iii) Give the latitudinal and longitudinal extend of Homa Bay. (2mks)

Geography Paper 1 2

(b) (i) Draw across section along line Y-X. Use a vertical scale of 1cm to
represent 100 feet, on it mark and name.

- Sigulu Hill.
- River Aoch Diok.
- Papyrus Swamp. (7mks)

(ii) Calculate the gradient of the cross section. (2mks)

(iii) From the cross section drawn, are points X and Y intervisible? Give a reason. (2mks)

(c) Explain how the following factors have influenced the distribution of settlement in
Homa Bay:

(i) Slope. (2mks)
(ii) Drainage. (2mks)

(d) Describe the relief of the area covered by the map. (4mks)

7. (a) What is climate? (2mks)

(b) Explain how the following factors influence climate.

(i) Warm ocean currents. (2mks)
(ii) Aspect (2mks)
(iii) Altitude. (2mks)

(c) (i) Draw a sketch map of Kenya, on it mark and name:-

- Modified equatorial climate of the Lake Victoria region.
- Modified tropical climate. (4mks)

(ii) Describe the characteristics of Mediterranean climate. (4mks)

(d) (i) State three natural causes of climate change. (3mks)

(ii) Explain three effects of climate change on human activities. (6mks)

8. (a) (i) What is a desert. (2mks)

(b) Use the world map provided below to answer questions 8(b)(i).

Geography Paper 1 3
(i) Identify the hot desert marked; A, B, C and D. (4mks)

(ii) Explain two reasons why most deserts are found on the Western side of the
continents. (4mks)

(c) With the aid of well labeled diagrams, described the formation of a yardang. (5mks)

(d) Students from a school carried out a field study on a desert landscape.

(i) Formulate three objectives of their study. (3mks)

(ii) Apart from a wadi, name three other features they are likely to identify
resulting from water action. (3mks)

(iii) State four positive effects of deserts on human activities. (4mks)

9. (a) (i) Distinguish between vulcanicity and volcanicity. (2mks)

(ii) Name three volcanic features found along the floor of Rift Valley in Kenya. (3mks)

(b) The diagram below shows some intrusive volcanic features. Use it to answer the
questions that follows.

(i) Name the features marked W, X, Y and Z. (4mks)

(ii) Explain how a sill is formed. (4mks)

(c) Describe how a lava plateau if formed. (4mks)

(d) Explain four ways in which volcanic mountains positively influence human countries. (8mks)

10. (a) (i) Give three processes that lead to the formation of lakes. (3mks)

(ii) Name any two fresh water lakes in Kenya which are located within the Great
Rift Valley. (2mks)

(b) Explain three negative effects of lakes on human activities. (6mks)

(c) (i) Identify relief features on the ocean floors. (3mks)

(ii) Explain three factors that contribute to slight differences in ocean water salinity. (6mks)

(d) Students of Mpeketoni Secondary School went for a field study on coastal landforms.

(i) Give three methods they used to collect their data. (3mks)

(ii) Give two follow-up activities of the field study. (2mks)

Geography Paper 1 4

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