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312/1 Geography Bomet Mock Question Paper

312/1 Geography Bomet Mock 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011


Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (K.C.S.E.)

Paper 1


• This paper consists of two sections; section A and section B.
• Answer all questions in section A. In section B answer question 6 and any other two questions.
• All answers must be written in the provided sheets.

This paper consists of 3 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.

Answer all the questions in this section .
1. (a) What is soil ? (1mks)
(b) Differentiate between soil profile and soil catena. (4mks)

2. (a) State any three proofs that the earth is spherical. (3mks)
(b) The time in town P(20oE) is 2.00 pm it is 12.00 noon at town Y. what is the longitude
of town Y? (2mks)

3 (a) The diagram below represents features of intrusive vulcanicity.
Name the features marked P,Q and R (3mks)

(b) How is a caldera formed? (2mks)

4. (a) Name the three main layers of the atmosphere from the earth’s surface upwards. (3mks)
(b) What is temperature inversion? (2mks)

5. (a) What is climate climax community? (2mks)
(b) Name the temperate grasslands found in each of the following countries. (3mks)
? Newzealand
? South Africa
? Argentina.

Answer question 6 and any other two questions from this section.
6. Study the map of Belgut 1:50,000( sheet 117/3) provided and answer the following questions.
(a) (i) Measure the distance of the loose surface road ( C 22) to the South west of the area covered
Give your answer in kilometers. (2mks)
(ii) Find the area enclosed by the road in a(i) above and Easting 23 in the S. West of
the map. (2mks)
(b) Calculate the bearing of point X ( 290 470) from point Y ( 310 480) (2mks)
(c) (i) Reduce the map of the area enclosed by Eastings 23 and 31 and northings 46 and
54 by half. (1mks)
(ii) On the map; mark and label. (4mks)
- Loose surface raod
- Namba shops
- Cheptuyey school
- Sondu river.
(iii) What is the new scale of the map? (2mks)
(d) Citing evidence from the map, State four economic activities carried in the area
covered by the map. (4mks)
(e) Explain the distribution of settlements in the area covered by the map. (8mks)

7. (a) Name three types of desert landscape. (3mks)
(b) Explain three factors which influence wind transportation. (9mks)
(c) Explain with the aid of labeled diagrams, how the following features of desert
landscape; are formed.
(i) Barchans. (5mks)
(ii) Seif dunes (4mks)
(iii) Oases (4mks)

8. (a) Describe with the use of example; how the following types of lakes are formed:
(i) Lakes due to volcanic action. (4mks)
(ii) Lakes due to deposition. (6mks)
(iii) Lakes due to tectonic movement. (5mks)
(b) (i) Other than domestic and industrial use, state other values of lakes. (8mks)
(ii) State two problems which are being experienced in some lakes in Kenya. (2mks)


Name the fold mountains found in the above continents. (5mks)
(b) Describe three theories which explain the formation of fold mountains. (6mks)
(c) (i) Explain five ways in which folding is of significance to human activities. (10mks)
(ii) Name four types of folds. (4mks)

10. (a) Name three stages of a river profile. (3mks)
(b) Describe three conditions under which waterfalls are formed. (6mks)
(c) Explain the four ways through which a river erodes its banks and bed. (8mks)
(d) You are planning to carry out a filed study on a river nearby your school.
(i) Give four features of the river you are likely to identify during the study. (4mks)
(ii) State four methods you would use to collect information about the river. (4mks)

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