Form Ire Paper 2 Pre-Mock Term 3 Question Paper

Form Ire Paper 2 Pre-Mock Term 3 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2018

FORM FOUR - TERM 3 (2018)
2½ hrs

NAME: ………………………………………………………………………..ADM: …………. CLASS: …………

This paper consists of six questions.
Answer any five questions in the foolscaps provided.

Question 1
a) Explain the rationale for the prohibition of incest in Islam [5 marks]
b) Discuss any 5 deeds that lead to righteousness and piety [10 marks]
c) What are the Islamic views on drugs and substance abuse? [5 marks]

Question 2
“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is acquainted with what you do.” (Q 5:8)
a) With reference to the above verse explain six other factors that may promote injustice in society. [12 marks]
b) In what ways can involvement in gambling undermine a person’s integrity? [8 marks]

Question 3
a) Using examples, Explain any 5 ways through which Muslims can foster peaceful co-existence in Kenya. [10 marks]
b) What are the Islamic guidelines on child care? [5 marks]
c) Identify the conditions for the validity of an Islamic marriage. [5 marks]

Question 4
a) State the achievements of Caliph Umasr bin Khattab as a Caliph of Islam. [10 marks]
b) Mention 4 terms of the first covenant of Aqabah [5 marks]
c) State 4 terms of the Hudaibiyya truce. [4 marks]
d) Explain any two modes of persecution used by the pagan Quraish in the advent of Islam. [2 marks]

Question 5
a) Outline the influences of Jumbes and Akidas towards the spread of Islam in Tanzania. [5 marks]
b) State the significant reforms of Abdul Malik bin Marwan during the Umayyad dynasty. [7 marks]
c) What are the factors responsible for the decline of the Abassid dynasty? [8 marks]

Question 6
a) State the administrative structure of Uthman Dan Fodio. [10 marks]
b) Highlight the contributions of Sheikh Abdallah Swaleh Al-Farsy as a Muslim scholar. [10 marks]


Form Ire Paper 2 Pre-Mock Term 3 question paper

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