Geo 213:Geographic Thought Question Paper
Geo 213:Geographic Thought
Course:Bachelor Of Education (Arts)
Institution: Kaimosi Friends University College question papers
Exam Year:2018
a. What is geography and its thematic areas. 10 mks
b. Distinguish between the following: 20 mks
i.physical and human geography.
ii.Environmental determinism and possibilism
iii. Radical and behavioral geography.
2)What major contributions did the Greeks and Romans make to the development of Geography. 20 mks
3)The Muslim scientists are known to have made significant advances to the growth of geography. briefly describe their contributions. 20 mks
4)Write short notes on the following. 20 mks
a. The impact of Darwinian ideas and concepts to the development of geographic thought.
b. The problems the early explorers faced.
5)Asses the role of geographers in national development. 20 mks
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