Edf 211:Philosophy Of Education Question Paper

Edf 211:Philosophy Of Education 

Course:Philosophy Of Education

Institution: Kaimosi Friends University College question papers

Exam Year:2018

1. a)Distinguish between General and technical philosophy. 6 mks

b. Define logic and give two reasons why it is important in education. 4 mks

c. Explain the implications of idealism and realism schools of philosophy to teaching and learning in secondary schools in Kenya. 15 mks

d. Explain the reasons why philosophy of education is an integral part of teacher education in Kenya. 15 mks

2)Explain the relevance of philosophical foundations of African indigenous education to basic education system of education in Kenya. 20 mks

3) Discuss any 4 methods of technical philosophy 20 mks

4)a. Explain five critical roles of creativity in education. 10 mks

b. Discuss 5 ways a teacher can incorporate five critical roles of creativity in the teaching learning process. 10 mks

5Asses the extent to which the current school syllabus has been able to incorporate the human rights education. 20 mks

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