Geo 210: Spatial Organization Question Paper
Geo 210: Spatial Organization
Course:Spatial Organization
Institution: Kibabii University question papers
Exam Year:2018
1)a). Define the term spatial organization. 3 mks
b. Define a system and show its relevance as an approach model in the study of human geography. 12 mks
c)By use of examples and illustrations, show the development of human geography over the three phases. 15 mks
2)Discuss the factors that influence location of industries in Kenya. 20 mks
3)a. What is spatial diffusion. 4mks
b. Discuss the various forms of spatial diffusion. 8 mks
c. Examine the common obstacles to the diffusion process. 8 mks
4)What do you understand by the term spatial interaction? Using appropriate examples, discuss the various attributes that promote or inhibit spatial interaction. 20 mks
5)Evaluate the relevance of behavioral approach to the study of human geography
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