Bca 307:Monetary Theory And Practice Question Paper

Bca 307:Monetary Theory And Practice 

Course:Monetary Theory And Practice

Institution: Kibabii University question papers

Exam Year:2016

1)a)Discuss the functions of money in an economy. 10 mks

b. Distinguish between direct finance and indirect finance. 10 mks

c. Asses the concept of money market and capital markets. 10 mks

2)Discuss the limitations of monetary policies in a developing economy. 20 mks

3)Discuss the payment systems touching on the historical perspective. 20 mks

4)a)Highlight the functions of commercial banks in Kenya. 10 mks

b. Explain the services offered by money market

5)Write explanatory notes on the following. 20 mks

a. Insurance companies

b. Security firms

c. Finance companies

d. Depository institutions

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