Form 4 Geography Paper 1 Theory March/April 2017 Tabani Friends Secondary School Question Paper
Form 4 Geography Paper 1 Theory March/April 2017 Tabani Friends Secondary School
Institution: Form 4 question papers
Exam Year:2017
NAME ............................................................................ INDEX NO ......................................................
SIGN ............................................................................ DATE .............................................................
Answer ALL Questions in Section A
(a) State the dominant minerals found in the continental crust. (2mks)
(b) Give three characteristics of the Mantle. (3mks)
(a) State three sources of ground water. (3mks)
(b) State two underground features common in Karst scenery. (2mks)
(a) Give three causes of volcanicity. (3mks)
(b) Differentiate between weathering and mass wasting. (2mks)
(a) What is the difference between plutonic and volcanic rocks? (2mks)
(b)Give an example in each of the following types of igneous rocks:
(i) Plutonic
(ii) Hypabyssal
(iii) Volcanic (3mks)
(a) What is the solar system? (2mks)
(b) Identify three planets that have satellites. (3mks)
Answer questions 6 and any other two questions.
Study the map of Homa Bay sheet 129/2 provided and answer the questions that follow.
(a) i) Name the County administrative boundary of Kenya covered by the map of HOMA BAY. (1mk)
ii) Give the value of the grid square enclosing God Nyamjini 129T35 • .
iii) What is the area in Kilometres square of the area covered by OLAMBWE VALLEY NATIONAL RESERVE? (2mks)
(b) i) Draw a cross section between grid references 610350 and 660350. Use vertical scale 1cm represents 100ft. (7mks)
ii) On the drawn cross section, mark and label the following features: (3mks)
Kanyabala forest
River Hogo
(c) Describe the relief of the area covered by the map. (6mks)
(d) A group of students carried out a field study of the landscape in the area to the north of northing 42 and to the west of easting 50.
i) Name one physical landform and drainage feature they identified. (2mks)
ii) State two problems they might have encountered when carrying out the study.
iii) Give one advantage of studying landscape through fieldwork. (1mk)
(a) Define the term ‘Aridity’. (1mk)
(b) Describe the following wind erosion processes in arid areas.
i) Deflation (2mks)
ii) Attrition (2mks)
(c)State and explain three factors that influence wind transportation. (6mks)
(d) Explain the formation of a Zeugen. (5mks)
(e) You are supposed to carry out a field study of a semi arid area in Kenya.
i) Name two features you would identify formed as a result of water erosion in the area. (2mks)
ii) State two ways through which you would prepare yourself for the field study.
iii) What information would you collect through observation that would indicate the area is turning into a desert? (2mks)
iv) State three measures you would recommend to be put in place to control desertification in the area. (3mks)
(a) Differentiate between river capture and river rejuvenation. (2mks) (b) Explain how the change in the base level leads to river rejuvenation. (6mks)
(c) i) Explain the three processes of river transportation. (6mks)
ii) State four factors that lead to river deposition. (4mks)
(d) Your class conducted a field study on the work of rivers around your school compound.
i) State three preparations you made before the field study. (3mks)
ii) Give two examples of rivers you identified to conduct the study on river capture. (2mks)
iii) Identify two problems you might have encountered during the field study.
(a) i) What is ground water? (2mks)
ii) List four sources of ground water? (4mks)
i) Outline four ways through which springs form. (4mks)
ii) The diagram below shows various zones of ground water. Name the zones marked A, B and C. (3mks)
(c) i) Name three features which form on the surface of a Karst scenery. (3mks)
ii) Draw a diagram to show an underground limestone cave. On it, mark and name:
A stalactite. (1mk)
A stalagmite. (1mk)
A limestone pillar. (1mk)
Underground River. (1mk)
iii) Describe how a stalagmite is formed. (5mks)
(a) i) Define a glacier. (2mks)
ii) Name three types of glacier. (3mks)
(b) i) A part from a cirque, name two features found on the upland glaciated areas.
ii) Describe the process through which a cirque is formed. (5mks)
Explain three ways in which upland glaciated features are significant to human activities. (6mks)
You are planning to carry out a field study of an upland glaciated area.
Give three reasons why you would require a route map. (3mks)
Identify challenges you are likely to encounter during the field study. (4mks)
Form 4 Geography Paper 1 Theory March/April 2017 Tabani Friends Secondary School question paper
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