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K.C.S.E Geography Paper 2 2009 Question Paper

K.C.S.E Geography Paper 2 2009 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2009


Answer ALL the questions in this section
(a) Differentiate between the processes of the formation of plutonic rocks and volcanic rocks ( 2 mks)
(b) For each of the following sedimentary rocks, name the resultant rock that forms after metamorphism:

Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follows

Outline the process though which the moist winds shown go through to eventually become dry winds ( 5 mks)
(a) What is a line of longitude? ( 2 mks)
(b) What is the local time at Alexandra 300E when the local time at Malindi 400 E is 12.00 noon? ( 2 mks)
(a) Outline the steps followed when measuring humidity using a hygrometer
( 3 mks)
(b) Give two factors that influence relative humidity ( 2 mks)
The diagram below shows some types of folds. Use it to answer question (a)

(a) Name the type of folds marked E, F, and G ( 3 mks)
(b) In which countries are the following fold mountains found?
(i) Andes (1 mk)
(ii) Cape Ranges (1 mk)
(iii) Alps (1 mk)
The diagram below shows a hydrological cycle.

(a) (i) What do the arrows labeled K, L, and M on the cycle represent?
( 3 mks)
(ii) Explain three factors that influence the occurrence of surface run- off
(6 mks)

(b) (i) What is mass wasting? (2 mks)
(ii) Give two processes of slow mass movement (2 mks)
(iii) State two physical conditions that may influence landslides
( 2 mks)
(c) Describe the following processes of mass wasting
(i) Rock fall (2 mks)
(ii) Subsidence (2 mks)
(iii) Mud flows ( 2 mks)

(d) Explain the effect of mass wasting on the following
(i) Tourism ( 2 mks)
(ii) Soil fertility ( 2 mks)

(a) (i) Name three types of faults ( 3 mks)
(ii) Apart from compressional forces, explain two other processes that may cause faulting ( 4 mks)

(b) With the aid of diagrams, describe how compressional forces may have led to the formation of the great rift valley ( 8 mks)

(c) Explain five ways in which faulting is of significance to human activities
( 10 mks)
(a) (i) Apart from Bird’s Foot delta, name two other types of coastal deltas
(2 mks)
(ii) Draw a diagram to show a Bird’s foot delta (3 mks)
(iii) Describe how a Bird’s Foot delta is formed (4 mks)

(b) Explain four factors that influence the development of coast
(8 mks)
(c) (i) Differentiate between a barrier reef and a fringing reef? (2 mks)
9. The diagram below represents some coastal features. Name the features marked P, Q and R (3 mks)

(iii) State three conditions necessary for the formation of a beach
(3 mks)
10. The diagram below represents underground features in a limestone area. Use it to answer question (a)
(a) (i) Name the features marked X, V and W ( 3 mks)
(ii) Describe how the feature marked Y is formed ( 6 mks)

(b) (i) What is an artesian basin? ( 2 mks)
(ii) Explain three factors which influence the formation of features in limestone
areas ( 6 mks)

(c) You are supposed to carry out a field study of an area eroded by water
(i) Give three reasons why you would need a map of the area of study
( 3 mks)
(ii) Name two erosional features you are likely to identify during the field study
( 2 mks)
(iii) State three recommendations that you would make from your study to assist
the local community to rehabilitate the eroded area (3 mks)

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