English 101/1 Form 4 Question Paper

English 101/1 Form 4 


Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2018

Paper 1
(Functional skills)
2 Hours

Q1. Functional writing (20mks)
Imagine you are the principal of Miwani High school. The county TSC Director of Education Transnzoia county has asked you to write a confidential report to the county Director about Mrs.Mary Ngatia recommending her for promotion.
Q2. CLOZE TEST(10mks)
Man, unlike other living things,has the _____ advanced means of communication which is language. It is a _____ of deliberate sounds produced ____ purpose of communication
Language can be born it can grow and die. We have experienced these characteristics _____ the birth of sheng. Sheng is a communication _____ that rose in early 1970, in the Eastlands, Nairobi , took the youth and some adults and children ____ it.Linguistics have tried to uncover the ____ surrounding the development of this code. Considering the instability of our language____ , sheng should be observed as a remedy and a tragedy to our ethno-linguistics nature.
Read the following oral poem and then answer the questions that following(8mks)
(The Magnificent Bull )
My bull is white like fish in the river.
White like the shimmering crane bird on the river bank
White like fresh milk
His roar is like thunder on the Turkish cannon
On the steep shore
My bull is dark like the rain cloud in the storm
He is like summer and winter
Half of him is dark like the storm
Half of him is light like sunshine
His back shines like the morning star
His brow is red like the beak of the horn bill
His forehead is like a flag calling the people from a distance
He resembles the rainbow

1. Classify the above oral poem (2mks)
2.what oral features in the above poem qualify to be an oral poem (4mks)
3.Imagine you were to present this oral poem during the schools drama festivals. What preparations would you make to ensure that your presentation is effective ( 2mks). B.) Fillthe black spaces with the correct stressed form of the word in the brackets.( Show the stress by underling the stress syllable.(3mks)
b1. He was ______ by the sad news.(upset)
b2. A _______ should be carried out to determine the effects of the drug abuse. (Survey)
b3. We really ought to ______ the right image. (Project )
C) Identity the silent letter in each of the following words (4mks)
c1. Rheumatism _____
c2. Gnaw ______
c3. Sword ______
c4. Bustle ______

d) You have being invited to talk to youth to a group in a certain church. State four things you need to find out about the group before the presentation (4mks)

E.) For each of the following words provide another word that is spelt differently but is pronounced the same way. (4mks)
E1. Vale _____________
E2. Earn _____________
E3. Wine _____________
E4. Not ______________

F.) State any two reasons why it is important to respect personal space (2mks)
F1. _____________
F2. _____________

G. Read the dialogue and then answer the questions that follow.
Chairperson: Our teacher has asked us to discuss the importance of poetry.As the chairperson, I should begin my observation about it. I find poetry exciting and I have even tried to compose some.

Member 1: Mr. Chairperson we need to report back...

Chairperson: I will do the reporting.......

Member 2. But Mr.Chairperson, can you chair and record what we are going to say at the same time?.And is it proper?

Chairperson : I was appointed to chair. Do you want to take over?

Member 3. I don't know even why people write poetry anyway. What can't they write in a more straight forward way.

Member 4. For me, a poem tries to capture a moment of human feelings that are universal in significance. And as readers.....

Chairperson: You didn't allow me to finish as I was saying....

Member 5. But have we resolved the question of procedure?

Chairperson: I give up. Somebody else can chair and report to the rest of the class.

G1. Identity the weakness in the members participation. (4mks)

G2. Discuss the limitations of the chairperson (3mks)

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