Form 4 History And Government Paper 2 311/2 Question Paper

Form 4 History And Government Paper 2 311/2 

Course:History And Government

Institution: Form 4 question papers

Exam Year:2017

Answer all the questions in this section
1. Name the most common form of government.
2. Name the earliest hominid closer to modern man.
3. Give two reasons for the development of early. agriculture along river valleys.
4. Name the main commodity of trade from West Africa during the Trans-Antlantic trade
5. Mention two negative impact of internet today
6. Enumerate two advantages of fire and smoke signals used in ancient days.
7. How did the invention of the fertilizer affect industrial revolution in Britain?
8. Name the least common type of constitution.
9. Name the chartered company that t administered the British West African protectorates during the process of colonization .
10. State two economic effects of the Chimurenga War.
11. Identity the European powey that took over the administration of Tanganyika after World war 1.
12. State two reasons why USA did not join the first world war until 1917
13. Identify two demands made by Austria-Hungary against Serbia following the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand.
14. Give two countries in which cold war broke into real war.
15. Name the principal judicial organ of the United Nations Organization.
16. State two provisions contained in the Arusha declaration document adopted by Tanzania in 1967.
17. Identity the highest organ of the new East African community.

Answer any THREE questions in this section
18. a) State three limitations of electronic sources of History.
b) Explain six reasons why man lived in groups during the stone age period.
19. a) State three reasons why African slaves were preferred by the European peoples during the slavery period
b) Describe six factors that contributed to the decline of the Trans-Antlantic trade.
20. a) Give three reasons why Lewanika collaborated with the British.
b) Describe the grievances of the Chimurenga uprising of 1896-1897.
21. a) Mention three member countries of the United Nations Organization with Veto powers.
b) Explain six causes of the second World war.

Answer two questions from this section
22.a) State five reasons why British Adopted indirect rule in Northern Nigeria.
b) Explain five positive effects of indirect rule in Northern Nigeria
23.a) Give three characteristics of Commonwealth member states.
b) Explain the challenges facing the Commonwealth Nations.
24.a) Give three ways in which one can become a member of the house of Lord's in Britain.
b) Explain six functions of the queen in Britain.

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