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Diploma 1 End Of Stage Exams Communication Skills Question Paper

Diploma 1 End Of Stage Exams Communication Skills 

Course:Diploma In Business Administration

Institution: Machakos University question papers

Exam Year:2010

Time: 2 1/2 hours
Answer any 4 questions, all questions carry equal marks

1.(a) Define the following forms of communication giving examples.
(i) Oral communication
(ii)Written communication
(iii) Visual communication
(iv) Audio visual communication
(v) Non verbal communication(15 Marks)
(b) Give three advantages and three disadvantages of the first three forms(10 marks)

2. (a) Explain some five limitations/difficulties in the downward communication.(15 Marks)
(b)Define the following terms
(i) Downward communication
(ii) Upward communication
(iii)Horizontal communication
(iv)Internal communication
(v) External communication(10 Marks)

3.(a) Show the interview preparation that should be made by an interviewee before he/she appears before an interview panel for job selection.(15 marks)
(b) Explain any 2 interview techniques you would employ to interview applicants for a job. (10 Marks)

4.(a) The following advert appeared on the "Daily Nation" Newspaper dated, Thursday Jan 19th 2004
Clerical position.
Applications are invited from a qualified and experienced person for the above post in a reputable General Insurance Company in Nairobi.
(i) Apply in own handwriting using the fully blocked style.(15 Marks)
(b) Explain two interview typology. (10 Marks)

5. (a) The organization you work for intends to install computers in the registry. The members of staff in the registry are unhappy about it. As the assistant manager, write a memo to them giving reasons for installation.(10 marks)
(b)Outline any five obstacles/barriers, that may contribute to communication failure.(10 Marks)

6.(a) Draft a simple Curriculum Vitae that can accompany an application letter(15 Marks)
(b) Explain any two principles that should be put into practice in ensuring effective communication.(10 Marks)

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