Family Law.Bachelor Of Law(Llb) Question Paper
Family Law.Bachelor Of Law(Llb)
Course:Alternative Dispute Resolution
Institution: Kenyatta University question papers
Exam Year:2011
Answer QUESTION ONE and ANY other TWO questions.
Question One carries 30 marks while all the other questions carry 20 marks.
Outline and discuss the current legal framework governing family matters in Kenya.
Nyawira has just discovered that she is pregnant.When she told her boyfriend of two years,Warui,about it,he distanced himself from her and told her that he had no intention of getting married.She is upset with him because she only became intimate with him after he told her that he wanted a serious relationship with her which should end in marriage.He no longer comes to her house and has cut off all communication.She feels cheated,and believes that she has a remedy against her boyfriend.
Discuss the legal position.
Identify and discuss the main features of a customary law marriage.
Amritben is married to Kantilal under the Marriage Act (Cap 150 Laws of Kenya).The wife has refused to have intimate relations with Kantilal.She sleeps in the geust house,whenever Kantilal is in the matrimonial bedroom.He recently saw some intimate short text message(SMS) on her mobile sent to her by another man.On another occasion he saw her jump into a car of the man who sent the SMS.Kantilal is traumatized,and has approached you for advice on the legal remedies available to him.
Advise him.
Discuss the Kenyan Law on distribution of matrimonial property in the event of marital disintegration.
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