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Sct 208:Artificial Intelligence Question Paper

Sct 208:Artificial Intelligence 

Course:Bachelor Of Science In Mathematics And Computer Science

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2010

DATE:Friday,11th June,2010 TIME: 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions.

Question 1.

a)Distinguish between the 'informed search algorithm' and 'uninformed search algorithm'.(6 marks)

b)The field of artificial intelligence(AI) has benefited from research in several other areas,otherwise referred to as the foundations of AI.Identify and briefly describe the contribution of four of these areas.(12 marks)

c)One of the emergent standards for testing as system for intelligence is the Turing test.Briefly describe describe the test and the ideas behind it.(6 marks)

d)Identify and briefly describe three alternatives for representation of knowledge for an AI system.(6 marks)

Question 2.

a)'Artificial Intelligence is the study of how to make computers do things which,at the moment,people are better'.In this context,list and briefly describe three key ideas that we usually imply by the use of the 'intelligence'(10 marks)

b)The real world is uncertain.AI solutions must therefore attempt to reason with uncertainty.
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i)Describe two techniques that can be used to help actualization of systems that can reason in an uncertain environment.(5 marks)

ii)For each of the techniques described above,describe some challenges to their actualization as perfect solutions.(5 marks)

Question 3.

Expert systems are perhaps the class of AI applications that have received the greatest acceptance in business environments.

a)With the aid of an illustrative diagram,describe the design of a typical expert system by explaining the function of each component.(10 marks)

b)Making a suitable choice of application area(except medical diagnosis),illustrate the application of a typical expert system.(10 marks)

Question 4.

a)'Majority of Artificial Intelligence experiments that have to show lots of promise in principle have tended to perform poorly in practice.'Discuss this statement.( 8 marks)

b)Fuzzy logic as a method of reasoning may help us deal with the imprecision of ordinary language.With the aid of a clearly illustrated example,describe a model situation and how it could benefit from the use of the technique.(12 marks)

Question 5.

a)'A search problem with finite number of stages can have an infinite search tree.'
i)Justify the above statement.(4 marks)
ii)What techniques can be employed to avoid the infinite search tree?(6 marks)

b)Genetic algorithms,considered to be analogous to biological systems are said to hold great promise as a search technique.With the aid of a clearly illustrated example describe the functioning of a genetic algorithm.(10 marks)

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