Business Studies Question Paper

Business Studies 

Course:Business Studies

Institution: Form 1 question papers

Exam Year:2011

FORM 1 term 2 2011
1. State four reasons why some businesses make losses.

2.State one effect of the following environment to a business
a)Business structure

b)Cultural environment


d)legal political

3.Give four reasons why human wants cant be satisfied.

4."Lodwar high school" is an economic resource support this statement

5.State the kind of utility given to the following goods
a)Transporting maize
b)Baking loaf
c)Reading business studies notes
d)Grinding maize

6.State four demerits of indirect production

7.State four characteristics of labour as a basic factor of production

8.State four demerits of division of labour and specialization

9.Distinguish between business idea and business opportunity

10.State four factors to consider when evaluating a business on business consideration

11. Highlight briefly four merits of business plan

12.State four reasons why ethical issues are important in business

13.State four limitations of photocopying as a method of reproducing document

14. Sunduncer enterprise has been advised to change from enclosed layout to open office layout.state four reasons.

15.State the function of the following machine
franking machine
composite machine
folding machine

16.State four demerits of e-commerce

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