Cre Form 1 Question Paper
Cre Form 1
Institution: Form 1 question papers
Exam Year:2006
Answer any five questions
1. a. Why is the Bible referred to as the word of God (7mks)
b. Give eight reasons why reading of the Bible is important to Christians (8mks)
c. Identify the law books in the Old Testament (5mks)
2. a. Why is man considered a special creation of God (5mks)
b. Give the differences between the first and second creation accounts in the Bible (8mks)
c. What were the consequences of sin according to Genesis stories of creation (5mks)
3. a. Give the importance of circumcision to Abraham and his descendants (8mks)
b. Outline the similarities between the Jewish and African circumcision (8mks)
c. Give God's instructions on the circumcision of Abraham and his descendants (4mks)
4. a. Explain why the Israelites had to leave Egypt (6mks)
b. Outline the stages that were followed in making of the Sinai covenant (7mks)
c. What are the moral teachings contained in the Ten Commandments (7mks)
5. a. Give reasons that led to idolatry in Israel (7mks)
b. Identify the main characteristics of the local Canaanite religion (7mks)
c. State the effects of idolatry in Israel (6mks)
6. a. State the African Traditional concept of God (7mks)
b. Outline the African understanding of Hierarchy of beings (7mks)
c. How was God worshiped in traditional African society (6mks)
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