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English Paper 1 (Functional Skills) Question Paper

English Paper 1 (Functional Skills) 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2011

Paper 1
(Functional skills)
July/August 2011
Time: 2 Hours

Answer ALL the questions i this question paper.

1. Imagine you are the secretary of your school debating club. Write an invitation letter to your neighbouring schools inviting them for an inter-schools debating competition on effects of drugs in schools.
Your invitation should be sent through the Principal and copied to your club's patron and the chairperson. (20 marks)


Fill the blanks with the most appropriate word.

(1)........performance in exams often causes rifts (2).......teachers and parents. Education (3) highly regarded that parents go to the great lengths to ensure that(4).......children get it. Some sell their valuable possessions like shambas ,cattle and even houses to pay school fees. They hope their children will (5)......and be academically secure.In order to foster good (6).......among parents ,teachers an the school administration,most institutions organize PTA meetings. Some even set aside visiting days when parents are(7) meet teachers individually to discuss their (8).........progress and possible ways of solving problems that may exist. However,many parents fail to show up because of job responsibilities,lack of transport,ill health and other reasons. Those who attend quickly forget the(9)..........and suggestions discussed in the meeting. Some students believe (10)..........the wealth of their parents. Thus they do not see the need to work hard.


(A)Read the following narrative and answer the questions that follow.

One day the Hare popularly known as Ogila Nyakarondo met the elephant on his way to the forest. As the hare was a cunning and clever animal,he wanted to fool the elephant on some issue. He started talking to the elephant;"Elephant,my brother,good morning.What is the matter? Why are you walking all alone like that,my friend? Why don't you ask me to walk along with you through the forest?"
After they had walked together for some time the hare said, "Elephant my brother,I want to go on a rope pulling contest with you. I know that I can defeat you miserably,for I am stronger than you." The Elephant returned,"Llll!Ogila Nyakarondo,you are too small to contest with me.You are playing about,my brother,think twice." They then planned to go on a contest the next day in the forest,but the Elephant went laughing,thinking the Ogila could nothing to him.
The same day,Ogila,the Hare met the Hippo and started talking to him saying,Hippo, my brother,I want you to contest with me one of these days. We shall pull a rope across the forest and see who will be winner. The Hippo said,"Don't play with me,Hare ,m brother,you are just too small to contest with me." He made the same plan.just as he had planned with Elephant to pull the rope in the contest across the forest. The next morning,the Hippo and the Elephant went to each side of the forest thinking they were to contest with the Hare,they started pulling the rope.Meanwhile,the Hare was sitting on a hill looking at what was happening below him. He sang with his guitar:

The Hyena Kithedhethe
The Hare is clever and cuning
Ratilani you're clver
How? How? Kithethe Kiithethe

As he sang,the Hippo and the Elephant were almost dying below. They pulled and pulled,and got very tired. At dusk they stopped pulling.The Elephant almost fainted,for the weight of the Hippo was great.
The Hare immediately ran to the Elephant and confessed, "My brother,am I not great?" The Elephant told the Hare, "Oh,Hare my brother,I have agreed,you are great,you are really great,I have had it tough the whole day long." The Hare then ran to the Hippo and told him the same thing. The Hippo wondered about the strength of the Hare and confessed his gratitude to him saying,"Hare,my brother,I have just realized you are strong,in fact you should be made the king of the jungle." The Hare in joy went away merrily playing his guitar.

(a)How would you involve the audience before and during the story? (4 marks)

(b)Give any two functions of the song in the narrative. (2 marks)

(c)How would you say about the last sentence in your narrative and why? (1 mark)

(d)The following words appear in the narrative,supply another word with the same pronunciation. (3 marks)

(B) Your school has invited a guest speaker to give a talk on academics. At the end of the speech,students comment that the talk was interesting. Suggest five reasons why they commented so. (5 marks)

(C) Identify the odd one out from the following group of names:

(D) Highlight five instances that may prompt one to interrupt a speaker. (5 marks)

(E) Read the conversation below and then answer questions after it.
Laura: Hallo,is that Thatu Girls' school?
Peter: Yes,what is your name?
Laura: Laura Mukora.
Peter: What do you want?
Laura: May I speak to the Headteacher?
Peter: He went to do shopping for his family,what did you want to tell him?
Laura: Sorry,it is confidential,may I speak to the deputy?
Peter: He is attending a pre-wedding meeting,in fact he is never in school.
Laura: Oh! I will call later.
Peter: It's okay.
Laura: Bye.

Peter lack telephone conversation etiquette,write the corrections below.

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