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C.R.E.  Question Paper


Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2010

Instructions:Answer all the questions. 1.a)State four ways God revealed Himself to the Israelites at Mt.Sinai.(4mks) b)How does God reveal Himself to christians today?(4mks) 2.a)Give five similarities between Jewish and traditional African practice of circumcision.(5mks) b)Identify five factors which qualify baptism as a covenant.(5mks) 3.a)State six functions of the temple in the Jewish community.(6mks) b)State six characteristics of the Cannanite religion.(6mks) c)List down five forms of corruption practiced in our society today.(5mks) 4.a)Outline five roles played by ancestors in African traditional society.(5mks) b)Explain five ways the dead are respected in the society today.(5mks) c)Give five importance for observing kinship ties in African traditionally society.(5mks)

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