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Introduction To Computers Question Paper

Introduction To Computers 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2012

Week One: Test
Attempt all the questions.
1. Give three advantages of using a computer?
2. Give two disadvantages of computers?
3. Your have come in the morning and you need to use your computer .State the step/procedures?
4. Define the following words:
a) Computer
b) Hardware
c) Software
5. Give at least three examples of input and output devices.
6. What do you understand by the term “Storage Device”?
7. Give three examples of storage devices.
8. Define the word”System Unit”.
9. Differentiate between Stem software and Application Software?
10. List three types of system software and Application Software.
11. Name three main types of computers.
12. Formatting an external disk is important .What is formatting?

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