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Internet Exam Question Paper

Internet Exam 


Institution: question papers

Exam Year:2012

1. What is the internet?
What require to get connected as well as to establish connection in a given website?
2. List three names that refer to the internet?
3. Name at least five types of services offered on the internet?
4. Who are the users of the internet and how do they benefit from It.?
5. What are the advantages of network?
6. What do you understand by the word MODEM? What is the purpose in a computer system?
7. Give three examples of internet browser program.
8. Differentiate between “logging in” and “longing out”.
9. What do you understand by the term sign –up?
10. Define the word search engine. Give examples of search engines?
11. Identify institutes where email address end with the following extensions.
a) .org
b) .gov
c) .edu
d) .net
e) .mil
12. Identify the parts of the following e-mail address,namelly A,B,C,D below
mwm @ treasury . go. ke

13. What are the advantages of using the address book as opposed to typing e-mail address each time you send email?
14. What benefit are there for saving information from the internet to you hard disk?
15. Tom has received an email message that contains an attachment; can she use any application to open the attached file.Expalin?

1) Type a letter requesting for training of computer application to ministry of finance .Attention Government information Technology Service –Director .Attach you application letter to you e-mail address and send to GITS Trainer using “”

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