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Biology Question Paper


Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2010

INSTRUCTIONS:Answer ALL questions in Section A.
1(a)Besides light,which two other environmental factors affecting photosynthesis.(2mks)
(b)What is the initial product that is synthesized during photosynthesis(1mrk)
(c)(i)Why are thin leaves more efficient in carrying out photosynthesis than thick leaves;Give reasons.
(ii)Why do submerged leaves often lack stomata

2.(a)Differiantiate between open and closed circulatory systems.
(b)Name the forces that may facilitate:
(i)The transport of water and mineral salts up the stem
(ii)The absorption of water and mineral salts up through roots.
(c)Why do some people develop running nose during the period of maize plant fruiting process

3.A cross between a red flowered and a white flower mirabilis plant produced only pink flowered F1 plants;
(a)Suggest a reason to explain why there were red/white flowered F1 plants.
(b)The F1 offspring were selfed to get the F2 generation.Use an appropriate letter symbols and work out the F2 generation.Hence find out:
(i)The genotype ratio
(ii)The phenotypic ratio
(c)What would be the result of crossing one of the F1 offspring producing pink flowers with a true breeding plant producing white flowers.

4(a)What is a joint
(b)Draw a well labeled diagram to show the structure of a ball and socket joint.
(c)State the difference between a voluntary and involuntary muscles

5(a)What is reproduction
(b)State three factors that hinder self pollination
(c)Name the female hormone responsible for ovulation
(d)State two adaptation of the human spermatozoa that enhances fertilization.
Answer question 6 and any Other one question

6.An experiment was carried out to find the rate of population growth in a culture of paramecium.The temperature was kept constant throughout the experiment.The following table was obtained.
0 10
12 20
24 55
36 190
48 245
60 260
72 265
84 265

(a)Draw a graph of the given results;
(b)During which 12hr period,the population increase of paramecium was;
(c)Carefully study the graph you have drawn.Write the number of hours paramecium population increased from:
(d)The first rate of population increase was not continued.The possible reason for this could be due to?
(e)Draw your generalized conclusion from the shape of the graph regarding population changes of paramecia.

7.(a)What is organic evolution?
(b)Discuss evidences to show that organic evolution took place.

8.(a)Name the stages of aerobic respiration and state what happens in each stage.
(b)Explain the factors that affect the rate of respiration in organisms.

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