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Bcs 410: Issues In Social Ethics Question Paper

Bcs 410: Issues In Social Ethics 

Course:Bachelor Of Arts In Sociology And Religion

Institution: Moi University question papers

Exam Year:2012


Answer FOUR questions, TWO from each section. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Discuss the significance of studying social ethics in a contemporary multi-religious Kenyan context.

2. With relevant illustrations assess the strengths and weaknesses between the ethic of being and the ethic of doing.

3. Using the FOUR dimensions of holistic character ethics assess the problem of alcoholism in Kenya.

4. With relevant and concrete illustrations make a contribution to the abortion debate in Kenya.

5. Atieno is 16 years old and she works as a house help. She wakes up, seven days a week at 6.00 AM and works till 11.00 PM. She sleeps in a dusty store and earns a salary of Kshs. 500.00 which is sent to her parents. The only time she leaves her daily routine is when she accompanies the family for an outing.

a. Show how Atieno's situation is a case of child abuse. (4mks)

b. Analyze the possible causes of Atieno's situation. (5mks)

c. Discuss how effective the government has been in handling such cases. (6mks)

6. John and Mary have been married for ten years with no child and they have tried all sorts of remedies. Finally, it was found out that John's sperm count is very low. They have the option of anonymous donor from the sperm bank to fertilize Mary's egg. John and Mary would have a choice concerning the background and characteristics. The child would be Mary's biologically but would have no biological link to John.

a. Do you think John and Mary should accept their condition as God's will and just continue to pray? (4mks)

b. Discuss how John and Mary's case would have been handled in traditional African society. (5mks)

c. Show the ethical challenges this case presents to us. (6mks)

7. A contingent of anti-riot police yesterday stopped a civic education workshop at St. John's Pastoral Centre, Machakos. Acting on the orders of Machakos District Commissioner, the police gave the more than 60 participants two hours to leave. There was no violence as the panic stricken delegates hurriedly packed their belongings and vacated the centre.

a. Do you think such interference of the association of citizens was justified? (4mks)

b. What is the role of law and order enforcing officers? (5mks)

c. What is the role of religious institutions in fostering peaceful electioneering (6mks)

8. Sarah and David are both graduates from Moi University. David works for an engineering firm while Sarah is an accountant. Both leave for work very early in the morning and they come home in the evening exhausted. They have a three year old who needs attention when both parents come home. The house girl does most of the household tasks. However, when Sarah comes home in the evening she assists in the household tasks. But she has increasingly become resentful because she expects David to assist her in the work and he does not.

a. Show how gender stereotypes are manifsted in the relationship between David and Sarah. (4mks)

b. Analyze why modern education has not addressed gender roles. (5mks)

c. What are the principles and guidelines from a religious perspective that should address gender stereotypes? (6mks)

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