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Geography Paper2 Question Paper

Geography Paper2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Kcse question papers

Exam Year:2004

Answer all the questions in this section

1. a) Name two types of soil according to texture (2mks)
b) State two ways in which humus improves the quality of soil (2mks)
2. a) What is latitude?
b) What is the time at Hola on 400 E when the time at Tema on 00 longitude is 12.00 noon? (2mks)
3. The diagram below show some features of a Karst scenery. Use it to answer questions (a)

a) Name the features marked P, Q, and R. (5mks)
b) Describe carbonation as a process of Chemical weathering (3mks)
4 a) What do you understand by:
(i) Microclimate?
(ii) Green house effect?
b) Name three instruments to match three elements of weather that can be measured at a school weather station (3mks)
5 a) What is a lake?
b) State three ways through which lakes are formed? (3mks)

Answer question questions 6 and any other two questions from this section

6. Study the map of Kipkabus (1:50,000, sheet 104/4 provided and answer the following questions.
a) (i) give the latitude and longitude of the South west corner of the map
extract. (2mks)
(ii) What is the area of Tingwa Hill Forest? (2mks)
b) (i) name the planted vegetation in the area covered by the map (1mk)
(ii) Explain how relief and human activities have influenced the distribution of natural vegetation in the area covered by the map (4mks)
c) i) Using a vertical scale of 1 cm to represent 100 meters draw a cross
section Along the line marked X-Y (5mks)

ii) On the cross section mark and label the following:-
A steep slope
A hill
A col
A river valley (4Mks)
iii) Calculate the vertical exaggeration of the cross section (2mks)
d) Student of Chepketert school carried out a field study of Kipkabus town.
i) Name two types of roads they used to travel to Kipkabus
ii) State three functions of Kipkabus that they identified (3mks)

7. a) i) A part from the Rift Valley name two other relief features that
were formed as result of faulting. (2mks)
ii) With the aid of a well labeled diagram, describe how a Rift Valley is formed by tensional forces. (8mks)
b) Explain four effects of faulting (8mks)
c) Students are planning to carry out a field study of an area affected by faulting
i) State four reasons why it is important for the students to have a pre-visit of the area (4mks)
ii) One of the ways they would use to collect data is through direct observation. Give three disadvantages of direct observation in the study of such an area. (3mks)

8. a) State four factors that determine the amount of surface run off (4mks)
b) Describe three ways in which a river transports its load (6mks)
c) Using a diagrams, describe the following drainage patterns
i) Dendritic (2mks)
ii) Trellis (2mks)
iii) Centripetal (2mks)
d) A form four class is planning to carry out a field study of a waterfall.
i) State five ways in which they would prepare for the study (5mks)
ii) Give four methods they would use to collect information at the waterfall (4mks)

9. The diagram below shows some intrusive features formed by vulcanicity.
Use it to answer question (a)

a) i) Name features marked X,Y, and Z (3mks)
ii) Explain how a sill is formed (4mks)
b) Describe the characteristics of a composite volcano (4mks)
c) Explain four ways in which volcanic mountains positively influence human activities. (8mks)
d) Students carried a field study on volcanic rocks
i) Give four reasons why it is necessary to collect rock samples during such a field study. (4mks)
ii) State two problems they are likely to have experienced during the field study (4mks)

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