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Kansbag Physics Paper 2, Questions Question Paper

Kansbag Physics Paper 2, Questions 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name Admission Number Class

Paper 2
2 hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Paper 2
2 hours

? Answer ALL question in the spaces provide
? Mathematical table / electronic calculators may be used
? All working MUST be clearly shown where necessary

For Examiner’s Use Only
Section Question Maximum Score Candidate’s Score
A 1 – 13 25
B 14 11
15 12
16 11
17 12
18 9

SECTION A (25 Marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section in the spaces provided.
1) Sketch a ray diagram to show how an eclipse of the moon is formed. (1mk)

2) A girl observes a boy of height 160cm and stand 8m away using a pin-hole camera of length 40m.what is the size of the image of the boy she sees in the camera? (3mks)

3) Figure 1 one shows a positively charged electroscope.

On the same diagram show the position of the leaf when a positive rod is brought near the cap of the electroscope. (1mk)

4) You are provided with two dry cells two electric bulbs, a switch and enough connecting wires. Draw a circuit that will have the bulbs have the same p.d. (2mks)

5) State two ways in which polarization in a simple electric cell reduces its emf. (2mks)

6) Use the domain theory of magnetism to explain the statement “magnetic saturation” as applied in electromagnets. (1mk)

7) Figure 2 shows an upright magnified image formed by a concave mirror.
Complete the ray diagram to show the position of the object. (3mks)
8) Give one difference between a longitudinal and a transverse wave. (1mk)

9) Sound waves are heard at longer distance at night than during the day. Give a reason for this.

10) Figure 3 shows wave fronts of light waves spreading from a point source towards a converging barrier.

Draw the wave front after passing the barrier on the same diagram O is at the principal focus .

11) What do you understand by the term “diffraction” of waves? (1mk)

12) Give two reasons why an immersion heater coil is coiled. (2mks)

13) A housewife has an electric iron rated 1000W, 240V and an immersion heater rated 1500W, 240V. If she uses each for 30minutes daily, calculate her electricity bill for 10days if electricity costs Sh. 7.50 per unit. (4mks)

SECTION B (55 Marks)
Answer ALL the questions in the spaces provided after each question.
14) a) Define the term magnetic field. (1mk)

b) Figure 4 show a U-shaped magnet placed on a sensitive compression balance. A stiff conductor is placed on the base of the magnet so that it lies midway between its poles.

The reading of the compression balance is obtained for different values of current passed through the conductor. The results are shown in the table shown.
Current, I (A) 0.9 2.0 3.1 3.8 -1.6
Mass, m(g) 61.0 61.2 61.4 61.5 60.6
Force, F(N)

i) Complete the diagram by adding a suitable circuit for such an experiment. (3mks)

ii) Complete the table by calculating the force exerted by the conductor on the magnet for each value of current. (2mks)

iii) Plot a graph of current I (y-axis) against force F. (5mks)

iv) From the graph determine the mass of the magnet. (2mks)

v) What is the significance of the negative value reading? (1mk)

15) The graph in figure 5 shows how current I through a tungsten filament lamp varies with the voltage across it.

a) What is the voltage when the current is 0.2A? (1mk)

b) What is the resistance of the lamp when the current is 0.2A? (3mks)

c) What is the increase in current when Vis increased from 2V to 6V? (2mks)

d) Does the resistance of the lamp increase or decrease as V increases from 2V to 6V? What causes this change? (2mks)

e) Draw a diagram of a circuit you would use to obtain these readings (4mks)

16) a) Define capacitance and state its S.I. units. (2mks)

b) Give two factors that affect the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. (2mks)

c) Figure 6(a) shows a circuit that can be used to charge and discharge a capacitor.

i) State how the capacitor can be charged and discharged using the circuit. (2mks)

ii) The graph in figure 6(b) shows the variation of charge Q stored in the capacitor with the voltage across it when being charged.

From the graph determine;
i) the energy stored in the capacitor. (3mks)

ii) the capacitance of the capacitor. (3mks)

17) a) State the laws of refraction of light. (2mks)

b) You are provided the following apparatus; 1 beaker, 2 optical pins, a cork, a complete stand, a meter rule, a liquid L.
i) With the aid of a labeled diagram describe an experiment that you can perform in your physics laboratory to determine the refractive in index of the liquid L. (5mks)

ii) List down all the measurement you would take in the above experiment and state how you will use them to determine the refractive index. (3mks)

18) a) In an experiment to determine the focal leveth of a concave mirror a form 2 student obtained the results shown in the table below.

Object distance U(cm) 80 26.7 22.4 20.6 19.6
Image distance V(cm) 20 40 56 72 88
uv (cm)

i) Complete the table by calculate the values of UV, and u+v. (5mks)
ii) Plot a graph of (u+v) (y-axis) against uv. (5mks)
iii) From your graph determine the value of the focal length f, of the mirror. (3mks)

b) Draw a diagram to show the arrangement of apparatus you would use to obtain these results shown on the table (3mks)

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