Geography Ppr 1  Question Paper

Geography Ppr 1  

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name Admission Number Class

Paper 1
2 ¾ hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Paper 1
2 ¾ hours

This paper has two sections: A and B.
Answer all the questions in section A. In section B answer question 6 and any other two questions.
All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.

Answer all the questions in this section
1) a) What is lapse rate? (1mk)
b) Name one layer in the atmosphere that experiences:
i) A negative lapse rate (1mk)
ii) A zero lapse rate (1mk)
c) What is dew point? (1mk)

2) a) The diagram below represents’ part of the earth crust which has been subjected to horizontal forces.
i) parts marked A and B (2MK)
ii) the angle marked C (1mk)
iii) the horizontal forces responsible for the feature above. (1mk)
b) What is a tilt block? (1mk)
c) Name two main plate boundaries (2mks)

3) Give two processes involved in each of the following types of weathering.
a) Physical weathering (2mk)
b) Chemical weathering (2mk)

4) Describe briefly how mechanically formed sedimentary rocks are formed. (3mk)

5) a) State four factors that influence the rate of glacial erosion. (4mks)
b) Identify three horizontal features found in glaciated lowland (3mks)

Answer question 6 and any other two in this section.
6) Study the map of SILALONI (1:50,000 SHEET)
a) i) Give two methods used in representing relief on the map extract. (2mks)
ii) W hat is the map height of the lowest point in the map extract? (1mk)
iii) Measure the bearing of the shop at grid square 4198 from the air photo principal point at grid square 4499 (2mks)

b) Describe the drainage of the area covered by the map extract (6mks)
d) i) Draw a rectangle 7cm by 6cm to represent the area in the map extract bounded by easting 44 and 50 and northing 86 by 93 (1mk)
ii) On the rectangle drawn mark and name:
? Thicket (1mk)
? Dry weather road (1mk)
? River Manjewa (1mk)
e) Citing evidence from the map give four economic activities carried out in the region covered by the map extract (4mks)

f) Suppose you were a student in the school at Chanzou and you plan to carry out a field study of the thicket around the school.
i) Design a working schedule you would use deciding the day of the study. (3mks)
ii) Give two reasons why it would be necessary sample the thicket for the study. (2mks)
iii) Give one problem you may encounter during the study. (1mk)

7) a) i) What is a caldera? (1mk)
ii) Explain how an explosion could lead to the formation of a caldera. (5mks)
iii) Name two examples of a caldera in Kenya formed by explosion. (2mks)

b) i) Other than sill and Dyke name three other features formed by intrusive volcanicity.
ii) Explain how a dyke is formed. (3mks)

c) Explain five positive significances of volcanicity to human activities. (10mks)

8) a) Draw a diagram to represent a barchan on it mark and name the following:
i) The horns
ii) Concave slope
iii) Eddy current
iv) Wind direction

b) Describe how barchans are formed. (6mks)

c) State four factors which influence the rate of wind transportation. (4mks)

d) Students from a school in North Eastern province in Kenya were requested by their Geography teacher to carry out a field study of physical features in the province.
i) Formulate three hypotheses for their study. (3mks)
ii) Name three methods they would use to present the data. (3mks)
iii) State five problem they are likely to have experience while in the field. (5mks)
9) a) Study the outline map of Africa below:
i) On it indicate the following by sketching:
? Sahara desert
? Congo basin
? Namib desert (3mks)
ii) Name the type of climate that exists in A, B and C. (3mks)

b) Outline the characteristics of the inter-tropical convergence zone (I.T.C.Z) (4mks)
c) i) Outline the characteristics of the climatic region C. (4MK)
ii) Define the terms aphelion and perihelion. (4mks)

d) Explain two ways in which volcanic eruption naturally contributes to climatic changes.
e) Outline four human activities that contribute to increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (4mks)

10) a) The diagram below represents a feature produced by wave action. Use it to answer the following questions:

i) Name features A and B. (2mks)
ii) Explain how feature B is formed. (3mks)
b) i) With a well labeled diagram illustrate the process of long shore drift (3mks)
ii) Name four factors that influence the wave deposition. (4mks)
c) i) Explain four factors influencing the characteristics of coastlines (4mks)
ii) Name four conditions necessary for the growth of polyps. (4mks)
d) Student from Pwani Secondary School set out for a field study on coastal land forms.
i) What wave erosional features would they have identified? (2mks)
ii) Name two methods of data recording they were likely to use. (2mks)
iii) Give one problem they were likely to have experience during the field study (1mk)

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