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Geography Ppr 2 Question Paper

Geography Ppr 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name Admission Number Class

Paper 2
TIME: 2 ¾ Hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Paper 2
TIME: 2 ¾ Hours

This paper has two sections: A and B.
Answer all the questions in section A. In section B answer question 6 and any other two questions.
All answers must be written in the answer booklet provided.

Answer all the questions

1) a) State three reasons why agro forestry is considered a method of conserving forestry. (3mks)
b) Give two forms of conserving forest in Kenya. (2mks)

2) a) State three types of minerals. (3mks)
b) List two ways in which open cast mining affects the environment. (2mks)

3) a) Give two advantages of plantation farming. (2mks)
b) State three problems facing cooperative movement in Kenya. (3mks)

4) a) Differentiate between horticulture and market gardening. (2mks)
b) State three conditions that favour horticulture farming in Kenya. (3mks)

5) a) Name three type of dairy cattle kept in Kenya. (3mks)
b) State two characteristics of commercial livestock farming. (2mks)

Answer question 6 and any other two in this section
6) The table below shows approximately production of sugarcane production of three districts in Kenya use the data below to answer question 6(a).
District Production (tones)
Muhoroni 17500
Nzoia 12,200
Chemilil 1550
a) i) Using horizontal scale of 10cm represent the data by drawing divided rectangle (8mks)
ii) Give two reasons why this method is suitable for presentation of statistical data (2mk)
b) i) State three economic factors necessary for the growth of sugarcane in Kenya. (3mk)
ii) Describe the processing of sugarcane (6mks)
c) Explain three problem facing sugarcane farmers in Kenya (6mks)

7) a) Define management and conservation of forest. (2mk)
b) Explain five reasons why tropical hardwood forests in Kenya are hard to exploit. (10mk)
c) State five reasons why planting of softwood has been promoted and encouraged in Kenya. (5mks)
d) Explain four factors favour the exploitation of softwood in Kenya and Canada (8mk)

8) a) State four main feature of horticulture (4mk)
b) Explain four problems facing horticulture in Kenya (8mks)
c) Give four reasons for the continuous increased demand of horticulture product in East Africa
d) Explain three economic benefit of horticulture to the economy of Holland. (6mks)
e) List three major horticultural farming areas in the Netherlands (3mk)

9) a) State five conditions necessary for the location of petroleum. (4mk)
b) Explain four factors that have favour oil drilling in Libya. (8mk)
c) Explain four causes of crisis in the world. (8mk)
d) State four contribution of the economy of Middle East. (4mk)

10) Use the map below showing the wheat growing area in Canada to answer question
(a)(i) and (ii)

a) i) On the map of Canada identify the wheat growing province marked X, Y,and Z (3mk)
ii) Name the city/town marked N. (1MK)
b) Explain four physical conditions that favour wheat growing in Kenya. (8mk)
c) Name five districts in the rift valley province where wheat is grown. (5mk)
d) Explain four problems facing wheat farmers in Canada. (8mks)

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