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Kansbag Computer Studies Paper 2 Question Paper

Kansbag Computer Studies Paper 2 

Course:Secondary Level

Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2009

Name Admission Number /

Paper 2
2 ½ hours

Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
Paper 2
2 ½ hours

? Type your name at the top right hand of each printout.
? Write your name on the diskette.
? Write the name and the version of the software used for each question attempted in the answer sheet.
? Passwords should not be used while saving in the diskettes.

1. The following is a record of rainfall in several cities of selected countries.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Nairobi 10 8 6.7 11 13 12 9.1 5 8 8 3 3
London 23 22.9 19.2 19 15 12 5 8 13.5 189 22 21
Madrid 12.1 10 9 7 8 7 10 11.2 12.7 16 14 17
Cairo 5.6 4 3 5 4.2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5
Adelaide 7 8 10 11.1 8 7 12 11.7 10.5 8 7 8
Athens 3 4 6.6 5 5 4 3.8 3 4 7.9 8 9
Berlin 19 18 19 17 14 12 10 9 11 13 16 18
Paris 16 15 17 18 14 12 10 10 9.6 12.2 13 16
Rome 11.5 10 9 8 11 12 9 45 10 10 10 11
a) Enter the data shown into a new Excel worksheet and save it as "Rainfall1.xls" (lOmks)
b) Insert two rows above Row 1, and enter the title "Average Rainfall by city" in the first row (2mks)
c) Add the title "Total" to cell N3. Insert a function in Cell N4 to calculate the total yearly rainfall for
Nairobi. (4mks)
d) Insert a function to calculate the average of each month and the average of each town inserting the
respective columns where appropriate (6mks)
e) What is the maximum and minimum average rainfall for each month (2mks)
f) Make the column headings in row 3 bold, and change the background colour of these cells to light
grey (2mks)
g) Change the text colour of the figures in the Total column to red (2mks)
h) Change the font of the city names and all figures in the spreadsheet to "courier" size 10 (2mks)
i) There are two mistakes in the table: change the October value of London to 18.9 and the August
value for Rome to 6. (2mks)
j) Change the paper orientation to landscape and adjust the columns widths (if necessary) so that the
worksheet fits onto one sheet of paper. (2mks)
k) Delete the rows containing data £)f Madrid and Berlin, and ensure that no blank space is left where
data resided. (2mks)
l) Produce a chart that shows all values (but not the total) for all cities in the table. Category (X) axis
display "Rainfall". Insert the chart as a new sheet. (l0 mks)
m) Save your work as "RainfaIl2.xls" (2mks)
n) Format all numbers in the chart so that they display their values to one decimal place (2mks)

Department DepartmenID Name Description
Subjects SubjectID SubjectName Department
(10 mks)

2. Create a database called school. Using the DepartmenID as the foreign key, create two related tables,
a) Create two forms based on each table and enter the following records. Save the forms as Department and
Subject (l0 mks)
DepartmentID Name Description
I Science Compulsory
2 Languages Compulsory
3 Humanities Elective
4 Technical Elective
Subjects Table
SubjectID SubjectName Department
I Mathematics Science
2 Physics Science
3 Biology Science
4 English Language
5 Kiswahili Language
6 Computer studies Technical
7 Agriculture Technical
8 History Humanities
9 geography Humanities
a) Set the following field Lengths DepartmentID 6
Name 20
Description 20
SubjectID SubjectName Department
6 20 20
b) Create appropriate primary keys and set a one to many relationship between the tables (10 mks)
c) Create a query based on the two tables that displays subjects in each department. Save the query as
courses. (4mks)
d) Create a report based on courses query and grouped according to Department (8mks)
e) Sort the records in the Subjects table in an ascending order of Subject Name and save as Subject_l (2mks)

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