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Communication Skills Question Paper

Communication Skills 

Course:Bachelor Of Education

Institution: Kenyatta University question papers

Exam Year:2010

DATE: TUESDAY, 28TH DECEMBER 2010 TIME: 2.00 P.M – 4.00 P.M
Answer questions ( 1a) and ( 1b) and any other TWO questions
1a) Reading comprehension Read the following passage and answer questions i to iv.
Population growth increases the demand for goods and services, and, if practices remain unchanged, implies increased environmental damage. Population growth also increases the need for employment and livelihoods, which – especially in crowded rural areas- exerts additional direct pressure on natural resources. More people also produce more wastes, threatening local health conditions and implying additional stress on the earth’s assimilative capacity.
Countries with higher population growth rates have experienced faster conversion of land to agricultural uses, putting additional pressure on land and natural habitat. An econometric study of twenty- three Latin American countries found that expansion of agricultural area continues to be positively related to population growth, after controlling for such factors as agricultural trade, yield increases, and availability of land. A study of six Sub- Saharan African countries indicates that technological innovations are not keeping up with the demands of rapidly rising rural populations. As a consequence, in many places – Ethiopia, Southern Malawi, Eastern Nigeria, and Sierra Leone – farming is being intensified through shorter fallow periods rather than through the use of better inputs or techniques. Rapid population growth in these areas has led to the mining of soil resources and to stagnating or declining yields. In some circumstances, especially in rural Africa , population growth has been so rapid that traditional land management has been unable to adapt to prevent degradation. The result is overgrazing, deforestation, depletion of water resources, and loss of natural habitat.
The distribution of people between countryside and towns also has important implications for the types of stress placed on the environment. In 1990 most people lived in rural areas. By 2030 the opposite will be true: urban populations will be twice the size of rural populations. Developing country cites as a group will grow by 160 percent over this period, whereas rural populations will grow by only 10 percent. By 2000 there will be twenty – one cities in the world with more than 10 million inhabitants, and seventeen of them will be in developing countries.

i) State two different ways from paragraph one in which rural populations directly affect the environment. [3 marks]
ii) What is the major reasons for declining yields in the countries mentioned in the passage? [ 3 marks]
iii) Which method does the author feel can be beneficial in curbing the expansion of agricultural land? [ 3 marks]
iv) Why is the traditional land management approach not effective in preventing environmental degradation? [ 3 marks]
v) Briefly describe the rural- urban imbalance in population in population growth in 2030. [ 3 marks]

b) Writing Skills [15 marks]

In not more than 500 words, write an essay on the Topic: The Impact of Modern Technology on Education

2. Identify and explain the elements of communication. [ 20 marks]

3. You have been given a topic on “ free primary education in Kenya” to research and write an academic essay.
a) Write a linear plan of the essay you would write on your topic. [ 5 marks]
b) Write the first three paragraphs of the essay on this topic. [ 15 marks]

4. The following are texts for communication skills

Andrew M. Wilkinson. The quality of Listening. Macmillan. 1974. London
How to study: a practical guide Hound Mills. Macmillan. Francis Casey .1985.
a) Rewrite the texts using a conventional style of your choice. [ 10 marks]
b) Identify the type of author and title in each text. [ 10 marks]

5. Discussion is an effective method of learning at the university
a) Write four considerations you would make when choosing students to form a discussion group. [ 8 marks]
b) State two benefits of group study. [ 4 marks]
c) What four activities would you carry out in your study group? [ 8 marks]

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