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Final Examination Question Paper

Final Examination 


Institution: Mock question papers

Exam Year:2011


instructions t candidates
a)answer any four questions
b)all questions carry equal marks
c)time allowed 2 hours
1. a) highlight FIVE factors that a manager should take into consideration when choosing a leadership style (10mks)
b)explain the ways in which a good cooperate image may contribute to organizational effectiveness(10mks)
2 .a)for effective implementation of organizational development(O.D)programme ,an organization may sometimes need to engage the services of a consultant engagement(10mks)
b)explain FIVE measures that an organization may take in order to cope with an adverse economic environment (10mks)
3 .a)highlights the characteristics of a bureaucratic organization as expounded by max webber(10mks)
b)managers are from time to time required to use different methods for the motivation of employees in an organization.explain FIVE reasons that makes this requirement(10mks).
4. a)outline FIVE management practices that may limit effective introduction of change in an organization(10mks)
b)explain the factors that should be taken into consideration when designing an organizational structure(10mks)
5 .a)as a communication expert you have been invited by the management of a certain large organization to give a lecture in 'barriers to internal communication' to a group of newly recruited management trainees as apart of their induction(10mks)
b)management may be defined as a proses of getting work done through people.explain the various ways in which a manager can implement this proses(10mks)
6 .a)describe the manifestation of theory Y assumption that a manager may observe amongst employees in the work place.(10mka)
b)Jasphat, a manager with Diana l.t.d ,has been given the responsibility of a group to over see the implementation of a complete information,communication technology (I.C.T) system for the company .explain to him the stages that the group he constitutes will have to through before it becomes effective in performing the duties.(10mks)

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